
Don't you hate ignorant drivers??

by  |  earlier

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I was driving to a local walmart and this older lady is driving behind me, she is follwing WAAAAAYYYY to close, then when i signal to go into a parking spot she follows behind me, THEN i signal cause im backing into a spot, i prefer to back in makes it easier to get out. So shes so far up my a** that she has to back up as im backing up, then she pulls into a spot right infront of me. and as she's walking to the walmart she looks at me and shakes her head... CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?? I opened my door and said "you follow to close, YOU almost smash into ME!! your sooo impatient that you can't wait for someone to back up into a spot and then YOU shake your head at ME??" It's old people like her that give seniors a bad name in regards to driving!! UGH!! Ne ways question is Don't you HATE people like that?




  1. try driving a 18 wheeler with the idiots on the road

  2. I hate bad drivers and the problem is we continue to tolerate them.  Most people simply cant talk/text on a cell and drive too.  I see far more women on cells than men, and it drives me nuts.  There should be a $5000 fine and 10 days in jail for driving a car with a child in it while on a cell!!!  How about the people that tailgate when you are the only two cars for miles!!

  3. You actually said all that **** to her?  Haha

  4. we all hate them

  5. People like that suck. It's because of those people that I don't like driving.

  6. I prefer to back in to spaces, too, but if someone's behind me like that, I'll just pull in, or better yet, go all the way to the back and park where there's no one else around (SOP in a WalMart parking lot, anyway).  If I'd been behind you, I probably wouldn't have realized what you were doing, either.

  7. Yes women drivers drive me crazy.

  8. yes it's annoying, but most older people have a limited depth perception. besides that they are mad because they have worked all their life and now are on fixed incomes. that makes it hard to survive with the increasing prices due to the wasteful society we now live in. just count to five and let it go you probably wont see her again

  9. lol. yes i do.

    i experienced a similar situation and the lady swung her purse at my head.  hahaha.  it was comical because she was SO ANGRY and she had been at fault.  I just laughed and she said she was going to call security because I was so rude.  I responded with, "please do.  please call security.  i'm not so sure what they can do with my 'attitude', as you call it, but I'm pretty sure they can do something about your assault against me with your silly purse!".   In her stubbornness, she actually did go ahead with calling security.  Needless to say, she was escorted back to her vehicle and asked to leave.

    Some people are just, as you say, ignorant.

  10. omg! i know exactly how you feel! the other day i was driving on a 2 lane road and this woman pulls out on top of me and almost hits me but then gives me an ugly look! i was all like wtf lady i was already driving here and you gonna look at me like it was my fault?

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