
Don't you hate it when people talk about how "hot" they think they are??

by  |  earlier

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I think when someone who is attractive is calm about it, it makes them more attractive, when someone says they're hot, they're the best looking, it's just stupid and gives off a hint of low self-esteem




  1. i totally hate it? i think its just a cover up from how they really feel

  2. oh that's the "Paris Hilton type"  i HATE it !!

  3. right on.

    when people are pretty and then get all conceited about it and start thinking they're hot s*** and prettier than they really are, that's just annoying.

  4. it's soo annoying.

    yeah they may be beautiful but they are a big showoff

  5. yeah, its really annoying and it makes me want to punch them in the face.

  6. dude.

    i know what you are talking about!


    its SO g*y.

    i hate it when people say that!

  7. I'm hot **** and I think you should know.  

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