
Don't you hate it when...(retail question)?

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Don't you hate it when customers treat you as if you're their very own personal assistant? I work in a clothing department store and the majority of the customers are rude as h**l and they treat me (I'm a fitting room associate) like I'm their personal assistant! Has this ever happened to anyone?

Now another question: I have a college degree and is currently enrolled in grad school, and I'm dying to get out of the retail industry. Yet, should I stay (b/c of the economy) or should I look for another job elsewhere? Or should I not work and focus on my education? B/c I ABSOLUTELY HATE Customer Service and Retail, and my bosses and co-workers are mean and rude- so if I don't get out of my job ASAP I will commit suicide!!!!!




  1. By all means don't kill yourself. Just get another freakin job. ASAP!!!!!!

  2. Usually the fitting room attendant does things like going to fetch another size for people. Retail staff are supposed to assist the customer.

    Look for another job while you are still employed. It is safer that way.

  3. If you can afford school without working, go for it.  Otherwise, just start looking for a new job, and quit when you find one.

  4. If you can afford to quit a job you despise and focus on grad school, b all means go for it!  I was really poor at that time in my life, but also pretty darn happy!  If not, hang in there while you finish school and never, for the rest of your life, be rude to someone in retail.

  5. You sound like me when I worked in retail.  AND I worked in the fitting room among other departments.  

    Yes, I absolutely detested all of the customers because they somehow are delusional enough to think that they're all royalty and need the employees to cater to their every whim.  If they want that kind of service, they need to go to high end stores where the employees are more than willing to do that for them.

    You could look for another job but I don't know how many other jobs are flexible with their schedules.  I doubt you could get an office job because you need to be there all day...unless you go to school at night.  And all retail jobs are the same wherever you go.  I would just stay where you are right now and remind yourself that it's only temporary and things will be better in the future.

  6. Well.  I also work retail (I'm still in college- a junior), but you sound like you are being really dramatic about the whole thing.  Yes, retail can be pretty awful, but you are letting it get the best of you.  Don't take it so seriously; believe me, it's NOT serious.  It's the least serious job you could have.  Customers are rude, bossy, and do expect you do fulfill their every need; so why did you sign up for it?

    And if you are truly that unhappy there, quit.  Your education is more important than being someone's size-getter.  Despite the weak economy, I think you should pursue a career-oriented interest.  Ditch the retail; you don't need it.

  7. I agree with the earlier answerers - quit if you have the money to support yourself, or 'put up and shut up' until you find a better job.

    You can also vent here:

  8.      I hate to have to point this out but you are their personal assistant.  That is what you are being paid to do.  As for getting out of retail, yes, please.  The public doesn't need to be dealing with any more lazy retail workers who don't want to do their job.

  9. Get another job.  Retail just isn't for you.  By the way, if you can't deal with retail, STAY AWAY from food service--much harder work for the same pay.

    Get a job related to your field.

  10. Ok...lets review what you've're a "fitting room associate" so doesn't that mean that your responsibility's are to the fitting rooms and by default the customers in them?  I'm not saying that rude customers are ok (I worked retail for MANY years so I'm fully aware of how they can be) but helping them is your job like it or not.  The best way to deal with a rude customer is to "kill em with kindness"  It's much more difficult for people to be rude to someone who's just plain nice and fun to be around.  (Yes, it sucks but it works)  Having a college degree doesn't mean that you can "half ***" your job and be defensive to customers you'd really rather not deal with...because the truth of the matter is, your degree doesn't mean sqwat to them and further more they don't even know you have one and if they did it probably wouldn't make them treat you any differently...face it, you're a college grad working retail....they won't be impressed.  Should you quit?  Depends, are you a quiter?  Do you need your job?  Do you feel confident in todays society that you'll be able to run right out and find another job?  If not, better suck it up and deal with the rude people the best that you can and realize at the end of the day...your job is done and you don't have to stress or worry about how rude they were or take it home with you..when your done, you're done.  I say, stay with the job and work your tail off in school so you can get where you REALLY want to be and look back on this job as a stepping stone..because really...that's all it is.  

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