
Don't you hate it when someone hits you in the same spot over and over?

by  |  earlier

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from those "love" punches from guy friends and know I accept hugs too

I have permanent lumps on my shins,,whiplash from back slaps and a tender spot on the top of my arm.. from these "love" hits...

Not to mention the bad names they call me.. owie ego...

am I just too sensitive?




  1. Stun guns are pretty cheap these days.

  2. Are you kidding? That stuff ain't normal.Leave or hit back. Or leave  

  3. that is not normal!!

  4. You should tell them to stop it if it is hurting you.

  5. No, what your describing sounds serious... domestic abuse or bullying? either way it's wrong nobody should hit you.... nobody has that right. Stand up for yourself dont let people walk all over you.

  6. Grab a handful of their armpit hair and yank it out.  They'll leave you alone after that.

  7. You should hit back hard!

  8. Awww....well, you kind of make me feel bad. I always punch my husband in the side. Once, he had a seven hour, lower-abdominal surgery that left him in  horrible pain, but I just kept punching him out of habit and saying, "Take it." when he almost cried. I mean, he had things taken out, put in, stitched up, some kind of Frankenstein. I hope the internal bleeding that almost caused him to have to go back to surgery wasn't my fault!

  9. not at all! you need to get away from all this! you can't keep living like this! i got abused by an ex who took many drugs and was violent towards me when he was on them, i tried to get through it, said to myself 'it will be okay, things will change' but it got too much and i got out of the relationship, he then asked me back, saying he changed but he hadn't, i got hit again and again; he then killed himself as he claimed to love me that much! and i wouldn't take him back.

    get out of it as quick as you can and move away from it! it will never stop! you need to get past this.

  10. Not really....I am a bit of a m*******t so I can't really help it.

    as for the names, i don't like these "loving people" of yours....

    Be one of mine! I'll give you as much hugs as you want =]

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