
Don't you hate it when they change your radio channel to something else??

by  |  earlier

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they changed so many radio channels in NYC that the radio's nothing like it use to be..CD 101.9 a soft jazz channel gone and so many others.. i know that the radio stations need to make money but damm its so annoying. thanks guys




  1. What I dislike is the lack of reception.  Listening to a radio station, getting your groove on, and then silence. THAT'S JUST NOT RIGHT.

    What I think is that, this is a way for the government to sensor stations, and especially with this new cable thing, about having a certain box to view television in 2009.  They probably have it hooked up for the government to view you.  It was mentioned.  If you are having the same problems as I, and I'm on the west coast.  Something to ponder!!!@#^&(()&^%$#@!.

  2. sure

  3. Yes, the only stations here that I listen to at work change ownership and content/format frequently. I used to listen to the conservative talk radio on AM a lot, then they changed the schedule all up. Now I have no idea whats on, hence the reason I am poking around on YA.

  4. Radio stations change formats primarily for money considerations. If the station that was soft jazz was finding it too difficult to sell advertising time, they'll bail on it and pick something else they can sell.

    Ultimately, the guys that run radio stations aren't music fans, they're businessmen and businesswomen.

    If the group advertisers want to sell to in your area is 25-34 year old males and the majority of those guys are country fans, you could have 4 country stations.

    One thing in jazz's favor as a format is that its listeners tend to be wealthier and therefore desirable to advertisers but it depends on how strong the audience is in the area and whether they are the "right" audience compared to who the sales department is trying to sell to.

  5. NO...i live far out in the wild woods of SW Virginia....we only get a few stations....all just changed to classic rock...praise the lord...oh...the praise the loooord station overwhelms some good ones...

  6. Maybe the reason is.. either they are changing their format or they are in competition with other radio stations and not getting enough listner support. Here in ohio, they keep changing radio frequencys, and that bugs me alot.

  7. Yeah, one of the stations used to be like heavy metal and I hated it, then un expectedly they changed it to country. I was SO relieved. Then like a month ago, after being on air for 9 months, they switched it AGAIN to oldies.


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