
Don't you hate it when you're neighbors have that loud "boom boom" noise?

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how can i get some neighbors to stop having their bass up so loud? i mean it's not always super late but still i don't want to hear that thud thud bass sound... do i have a right to complain of the noise at 8p? (i get up at 4:30am every morning so i need sleep).




  1. do you live in the gheto, cause I live in the suburbs and never have any neighbors that inconsiderate. move out

  2. Well, i feel for you because it happened to me to, but i no longer say at my house because of all the noise especially 9p.m.-8a.m. on the weekends. I can't complain because my dad thinks its inappropriate. On weekends they have until 1 a.m. and on week days it until 9 p.m.

  3. I guess I would try the nice approach first and explain you go to bed early.  Tell them you appreciate them being such a good neighbor and understanding.  If that doesn't work then BOOM BOOM in the morning as you leave and drive slow haha.  Gawd I hate people like that.

  4. Yes I would very much be annoyed. They are strictly speaking 'disturbing the peace'. It is not polite to have your stereo up like that anyway.

    Maybe try compromising with your neighbor or coming to extreme circumstances, call the cops or go up to their doorstep and complain.

  5. Have a talk with them first and see what happens.

  6. if it is a consistent thing, i feel you have a right to call the police about it. at least they can go talk to them and maybe scare them a little. :)

  7. Most communities have noise ordinances, meaning you cannot be making a ruckus at certain times of the day (generally early morning and late night).  I'd check with your city and see what the exact policy is, and then call the cops on your neighbors when they're too loud.

  8. yes....i hate neighbors had a B-day party for their 5 yo last weekend..started at 5pm Sunday and was still going at 430am..i had to call the cops...

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