
Don't you hate it when you feel trapped and it always seems that you just can't get ahead?

by Guest63630  |  earlier

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How does it make you feel and what do you do to help relieve the anxiety?




  1. Makes me wish I could turn the clocks back and make differnt decisions.  What do I do about it?  Well, my doctor wants me to see a shrink and take Prozac, but I prefer sitting by the river with a big chocolate milkshake.

  2. I do hate it because it makes you feel restricted and stuck in quicksand and the more you struggle, you just keep sinking.

    I find that music is a big help to me. It can bring out my emotions so that I have to face them instead of bottling them up inside.

    Talking to someone can also help.

  3. cry myself to sleep

  4. Get some alone time and read a good book.

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