
Don't you hate it when you meet someone and right when you start to get along that person LEAVES?

by  |  earlier

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I met him 2 months ago but we just started talking like 2 weeks ago. He's very nice, talkative and polite and I enjoyed our conversations. But he's going back to Ukrain TOMORROW so today was the last day that I saw him and I'm kinda upset with myself... cause if I had known that he was so nice I' would have started talking to him the first day I met him but he didn't seem friendly. Now I think he was just shy... I reproach myself for not having tried to talk to him earlier and I'm sad cause I don't think I will ever see him again... :'(




  1. That has happened to me a lot of times, the difference being i was the one leaving. Anyways i am pretty sure you will find someone else after he leaves but be sure to spend some time with him before he leaves, it'll make you feel better.

  2. Yes it is really bad, but this is life. Instead of blaming yourself now, take his email id and phone number so that u can keep in touch.  

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