
Don't you hate it when you smile at someone randomly...?

by  |  earlier

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and they don't smile back?

Am I the only one that finds this rude?




  1. I don't really find it rude, but it does send an uncomfortable tingle down my back.

  2. I don't find it rude. If I do that and they don't smile back I just assume they didn't really notice or were thinking about something else.

    Sometimes when I'm deep in thought, I'll make eye contact with someone, but I'm not really "looking" at them.  I think that unless the person knows you, random smiles might not even be noticed.

  3. Yes! thats rude

    If i say hi or bye to you say it right back to me.

    But If I don't like you, and you say hi to me, I would give you a evil stare and tell you to **** off.

  4. I consider it rude when they don't smile back because it makes me feel like they're turning their noses up @ me.

  5. It just makes me think, "My God, who pissed in their Fruit Loops?"

    Yeah but I do consider it rude. A little. I mean, not to smile back makes it seem like you have no soul.

  6. I think it is rude.  Also, when you say hi to someone and they look at you like you have two heads, then completely ignore you.  Definitely rude.

  7. It IS terribly rude! Especially considering that it takes more effort to not smile, than to just let the smile shine through. Humans are essentially programmed to respond to verbal cues from others - a yawn, a smile, etc... and copy the cue. So if a person is not smiling back, it means they are actually making an effort to NOT smile at you. Not very nice at all!

  8. Yes but I understand how it may happen. It probably has nothing to do with you or anyone personally. It probably caught the person off guard since it seems to happen so infrequently.

  9. A bit uncomfortable yes.. and a bit arrogant on their part but that won't stop me smiling at people when I see them.... xx

    I found out that out of 100 %. 95 % smile back at you.. so it's worth to keep on doing that.. if it' a genuine smile..  x*x It might make all the difference to someone who has a lousy day.... xx

  10. Yea, i definitely think it's rude. At least acknowledge the fact that someone smiled at you, whether you are having a good day, or not.

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