
Don't you hate it when your trying to take a dump and...

by  |  earlier

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someone walks in just when you about to unleash the glory and you think it's someone you know? I usually try to wait until they leave before setting off the fireworks if possible. What do you do?




  1. hahahah thats gross

  2. courtesy flush lol

  3. I usually turn and face the back of the phone booth....usually they leave immediately

  4. um okay wow.. ewwww... but anywasy.. just take a dump  

  5. Well if I've already begun the festivities than there is usually no turning back and I will try to hide my shoes, but if I haven't begun I will generally try to hold it in. This is generally a bad thing though because it's 1 painful and 2 causes more pressure to be released meaning they could now be heard outside the restroom once I start the show.  

  6. try locking the door!

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