
Don't you hate............?

by  |  earlier

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that you were born with good morals and can't do wrong to others even if it benefits you.

That's how I am...I hate it and love it at the same time...nice guys finish last.




  1. ya but thats life im sorry to say =[ youll get through it

  2. yeaaaaaaaaa...

  3. i still do wrong to others just in a way i can not get in trouble by the cops. I have no morals! Well at least not ones that other people have.

  4. Ahmen  

  5. I do hate that.  Others don't understand it, but as long as I can look myself in the mirror and be happy with who I see, I guess that's what matters.  I'm sorry you're hurt though.  Best wishes.  

  6. Yeah right!

  7. sometimes you have to do wrong to get your point across cause if people know that your so nice all the time they take you for granted and untill you step out of yourself you would never be seen.

  8. I've never had that problem.

  9. yeah it kinda sucks sometimes . =/

  10. one day you will meet a nice woman who will thank you...

  11. Not in my books they don't.  Some day, you will be glad you had such good morals. It tells me a lot about a person. :)

  12. Yeah i know, i can't even do that to strangers like if they do something bad and im like NO GET AWAY

    Lol i get swooo guilty later i walk up to them and im like SORRY! i dont know what i was thinking, and they like are all like wtf?

    I have to be nice or it eats me alive. But i like being nice :)

  13. not in my books

    nice guys finish first, always

  14. That's a good thing! Nice guys may finish last, but they finish best too ;)

  15. maybe

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