
Don't you hate those love songs that say till death do you apart?

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kinda like when I die there will be better things then you.

Kinda like the Christians and the way they love there woman. I love you till I go to heaven. Then I do not need you anymore because I get to be like the angels. You are just my worldly fantasy or just something I "need" and do not "need" anymore.

love songs just suck.




  1. Maybe they mean that nothing will happen after death. Plus, if one spouse dies first, then they will be parted.

  2. You are listening too much to Flyleaf.

  3. Yeah... I'd rather love someone forever. I don't stop the love felt for them when they are gone.

  4. When we marry, our vows say, until death do us part.

    In heaven there will be something better than marriage and s*x.  

  5. I have not ever viewed love songs in this manner and will not start now.

    I think you need to find a girl-friend.  Then get married.  And just take it one day at a time.  LOL

  6. I hope you find this kind of love, because it does exist... first in God, then in yourself, then with the one God has set aside for you.

  7. With the divorce rate being so high it should be scrapped rom everything.

  8. Some girl is going to be very blessed to marry a guy like you.  Keep thinking that way.  Someone who wants their love for their spouse to last for eternity that is a great quality!

  9. Recently dumped, huh?

  10. I think most people understand what it really means.

    I think it may not be some people's reality but it's a nice thought.

  11. I cannot believe the ignorance and sarcasm of some people.  You and others like you are the ones that say, that nothing happens after death, so why should this bother you?   It seems when we talk about heaven, you say there isn't anything but death after life, so it would be till death do us part, wouldn't it?  If there is nothing after death, then we won't need ANYTHING will we? Can't have it both ways my friend

  12. UGH! Grammar people! GRAMMAR!!!

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