
Don't you hate when you get down to the bottom of the coffee cup and...?

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there's a ton of those yucky coffee grounds? ewwww!




  1. I hate that very much!

    I also hate it when the coffee has been sitting forever and has that burnt taste.

  2. I don't drink coffee, so I don't have to worry about that. yay!

  3. Oh yeah.  Coffee mud is nasty.   But what's worse is when you get to the bottom of the mug and you still need more.

    Sigh.  I have to take my lazy butt downstairs to the kitchen and make another pot.  

    I have French Vanilla, Blueberry, and Amaretto.  Which should I make?

    Yeah, I only drink foo-foo flavored coffee.  I'm such a girl.

  4. EW, yes!  Fortunately I haven't seen than in quite a while.

  5. ugh yes! Or when I'm drinking my tea and wondering where all the sugar went and its at the way bottom in a sugary clump and I get it all in one drink and I'm like BLAH! ahaha.

  6. Yeah. I rarely drink coffee though. However, I like when its from Starbucks and theres tons of sugar at the bottom.


  7. Yes, but I can usually taste that, so after the first sip or two I throw it out.

  8. whhaatttt??? coffee???? where? i want coffee...i love coffee....wheres the coffee...i just had my 7th cup....omg i love that smells good...where is it....i can smell it...i know its around here some where....wheres the CoFfEeeeeeee!!!!

  9. yuck, what kind of coffee maker are you using?

    I think it's time for an upgrade!

  10. just throw in some more hot water and knock it back

  11. Yeah that sucks.

    I'm a big coffee drinker so I'm real finicky with my coffee.  Yes, I'm a starbucks w***e and drink foo foo coffee drinks, so I don't have that problem that much.  (I even have an espresso maker at home complete with syrups, flavorings, soy milk, a milk steamer/frother) and I only use distilled water and a recycleable coffee filter, so yeah.  

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