
Don't you hope Hillary will win?

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I don't even like her and want Mccain, but I hope she beats O-vomit-a.




  1. What does it matter in the end?

  2. No.  I think those two faced, flip flopping, ultra-liberal, arrogant Clintons need to be humiliated to the utmost at every opportunity.

    But, if she makes it, she will be much easier for McCain to defeat in the general elections.

    Note to eraser:  I'm in AR and we don't want Bubba, Hillbitch or Chelsea back here.

  3. I dont want hillary to win at all.

  4. if obama wins then democrats are screwed. because if he wins. then 47% of the people that voted for him wont vote for him in the nomination

  5. If she doesn't get the nomination, McCain will be the new President.Yes I hope she wins.

  6. The polls actually have her at a hire rating than Obama for beating McCain but since the media are the ones actually putting Obama where he is most likely Obama will win the nomination but when Obama gets out in the open the Republicans will ream the cub scout ( sorry guys ) a new one

  7. Hillary and Obama are two halves looking for the other piece to make themselves whole.  If someone would stick them together, maybe they'd make a nice candidate.  But no.  Not gonna happen.  And McCain....ugh.  Old dog should go to some resort town and retire like any other man of his age.  I'm thinking of voting for.....Theodore Roosevelt.  Now THAT was a candidate worth voting for!  Unfortunatly, they don't make 'em like that anymore.  *sigh*

  8. now way!! not hilary or obama! they are both horrible! vote for john mccain!

  9. none of the above

  10. I do hope hillary wins, but if she dosnt, I will definately vote for McCain. Even if obama wins and makes her VP, which i doubt he would, I will vote McCain. I am a Hillary supporter, i think she is phenomenal but I cant stand obama. He has not paid his dues, is of questionable character, and has no experience.

  11. Her and Bill need to go back to Arkansas and stay there.

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