
Don't you just LOVE traveling by train :) ?

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I do!!:)

Even for short distances,I love it!

What's your experience with trains?

Do you have any good story to tell me?

This could be about your travels,about commuting,anything that involves any kind of train,including tube/metro,whatever you call it...;)

Thank you for sharing your life with me!:)




  1. yes i do. i love the sight seeing car. you can sit in there for hours and look at all the cities, people, and country life pass by.

                           it's just so peacful to look explore elsewhere in the US

  2. I thought Germany and Japan had the best rail systems, but Germany wins because it's cheaper for the average commuter.

    America (especially on the west coast) stinks because we are subservient to freight train schedules, rail failures.  Be prepared to suffer if you ever take Amtrak, especially on the west coast.

  3. Yes, I adore traveling by train, Moon!!  We took a 10 day train trip several years ago, all across the upper United States.  We went through 13 states in all, and it was a wonderful trip!  We ate and slept on the train, and met some wonderful people as well.  It was so amazing to be able to see parts of so many cities that otherwise couldn't be seen, traveling by car.  I am a huge romantic, so had always romanticized train travel.  Well, it was everything that I fantasized it to be, and more!  It's rather funny at times, walking, showering, and sleeping on a train, because of all the rocking motion, but it's something that's fairly easy to adjust to.  :)  The food on the train, was outstanding!!  The only downside to that, was not being able to get much exercise on the train.  ;)  We did however, get off the train at certain points, and go for long walks.  :) Was nice being able to visit different cities, if only for a short time.  We took this trip during the month of December, so while traveling at night, the many Christmas lights, and moonlit, sparkling snow,  were absolutely breathtaking from the big picture window in our room.  :)

    We also took a short train trip a few years ago, from Kansas City to St. Louis, to watch the ballet.  Hubby suprised me with this trip, on our anniversary.  He knew how much I had loved traveling by train, so decided to suprise me.  (He also knew how much I loved suprises, and the ballet, lol).  He's a sweetheart, what can I say.  ;)

    I very much look forward to taking another train trip one day, and would actually like doing so in Europe.  Until then, I'll keep dreaming...  :)

  4. i dont really like trains cuz i am absolutly afraid of heights,. and going under ground in the dark! but it gets ya there. fast

  5. During a train ride, a woman I met onboard told me about an out-of-body experience she had as a child. She "saw" herself from an overhead vantage point after accidentally being struck on the head with a baseball bat. She "returned" to her body and recovered from the hit with no further complications. I don't know if that really happened, but it was fascinating and made the trip really interesting. I love traveling by train.

  6. Besides flying flying, train travel is my preferred way to go.  I'm sad all the time because we don't have a passenger rail system worth anything here in the US.  When I was in Europe about 7 years ago I was in heaven riding on the TGV, Eurostar, ICE and such.  When we were in Switzerland we got off the main line trains and got on the smaller commuter train and just had a BLAST!.  Rolling through the Swiss countryside with the windows open in the warm summer.  I wish I could be there now.

  7. Yes!

    They are fun and interesting.  When I travel by train or plane I take crayons and paper for any parents that have come unprepared and their kids keep crying- they become happy and the ride is more pleasant....

  8. I don`t live at USA but here where I`m living traveling by train is ****.

    Last time when I traveled by train, it was on a journey with my class from school, we traveled from Hamburg to Salzburg, the first part from Hamburg to Munich (booth are at Germany) was by ICE (a kind of fast train) and OK, but the second part from Munich to Salzburg (Austria) was such a ****. (Sorry for that sentence).

    The other trains, that cruises through the town are full of homeless people and Gangsters.

    So I hate traveling by train!!!

  9. I've ridden Amtrak up and down the east coast.  Never had a bad experience.  And since my uncle works for Amtrak, once I rode totally for free!  :)

    I just love staring out the window and rocking along with the rhytm of the rails.

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