Yup another angry internt person.
People classify "good looking" and social people as popular.
Well forst of all, if you look up "popular" in the dictionary, it says "Widley liked or appreciated". HAHAHA! Most people HATE "popular" people and have no respect for them. They wear hollister and seem to want to be with their friends 24/7. They always mess with their hair, and they want to perfect their outer image. But on the inside, they are so mean! They have no respect for other people because they are not as "high" as they are...and you know what? I had the oppurtunity to be so called "popular" but did I take it? Hellz no! When they get older they will relize that in tehREAL WORLD people don't look up to you if you look good, they will be the ones drinking and smoking crack and working at mcdonalds with 4 kids at the age of 24 with no father and I will be in college having a great life because I don't try to make people accept me for being "cool" I let people chose to accept me for me, the14-year-old goofball who always seems to make people laugh.
So there.
If you have anythign else to say, I will be happy to read it.