
Don't you just love the way your infants time their poops?? :)?

by  |  earlier

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I'm about to walk out the door and my three month old decides now is the time to p**p! I had to stop and ask before I many of you face the same thing often? :) Isn't it ironic and hilarious?




  1. We live in a large city.  My son would always wait until we were either stuck in the car in rush hour, or on a crowded subway car.  Gotta love their timing!  On the upside, I always got plenty of room from the people around us when he did it on the subway.  =)

  2. I live about 10 minutes from the mall.  We went in the early evening to meet my in laws for dinner.  With in that 10 minutes my 6 month old pooped...and of course we get her out of the car and it is all up her back and all over her clothes...not fun changing a baby in the back seat of your car.

  3. ur lucky she only does the 1 ive been on my way out 3 times in about 10mins with my son there seems 2 be something about a clean nappy he likes 2 mess it straight away im glad hes starting 2 potty train now lol

  4. At the daycare I used to work at their would be a child who would p**p not even 5 minutes after you would change his pee pee diaper. It never failed. No matter how many times you would change him throughout the day he would always p**p after. I found it funny after a while. I got used to it. I wouldn't even put his diaper stuff away because right after changing 2 more children he would be right back up there. But he never did it to his mom or dad!

  5. I think it's FABULOUS lol.  Or how you put a brand new outfit on them and they spit up all over as you are getting ready to walk out the door.  My first son would p**p every time we were at someone Else's house.  My second son would pee as you were changing him,  it never failed and happened all the time.  My 2nd son also poops while at walmart or always out of the house.   It's ok for now.. just wait til they are teenagers and we can embarrass them and inconvenience them.  It's the circle of life... lol  

  6. Sure I love when my three yr old has to go the bathroom when were walking home or to school even though i ask her before we leave so were running into stores or all the way home. My 9 1/2 mth old son loves to spit up right after i get him fully dressed. He also poops right after i just change him.

    But with all the stuff that they do I wouldn't trade them for the world.

    Wait until you pass gas in public accidently and your child tell everyone in sight.

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