
Don't you laugh sometimes when you the hear the claim "feminism benefits men too!"?

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Mainly because for one, feminism shouldn't be dealing with men at all. Since it's already gynocentric enough as WOMEN's movement. Yet many feminists and gender theorists feel the right to self-righteously deconstruct, criticize, trivialize and eventually demonize masculinity in men. As most of their belief systems and theories are based on archaic pseudoscientific sociological theories and their accompanying literature, almost always leading to “all we are a social construct - biology having no influence whatsoever.” So if children’s minds are blank slates, we can then socialize into how WE as the state best see fit. Then the analogies to Marxism/Socialism come along understandably, with the underlying premises of social engineering present in most gender studies literature. If the more traditional parents rebel, then they take the children into the hands of the state – day-care, and thanks to feminists a remodelled education system in favor of girls, while boys slip through the cracks. I bet if that was the current case for girls there would be tons of books being published and heart felt seminars from feminists, on the “incredible shrinking girl”... Wait there already were in the early 90s.

In the end if you’re a male feminist, you should feel privileged that the feminists allowed you a few crumbs left to eat, even though they are laced with strychnine, while they are drinking champagne with their sisters – hey at least you’ve got something.

I’ll be a regular around here for a while, you’ll get used to me.

Male feminists are you happy being feminists?




  1. Equality is bullsh*t. It is a cover so they do not appear as being bitchy or mean.

  2. So what you are saying is that feminism benefits women but the world already gives this priveldge exclusively to men.  In other words what is the point of striving for equality.  Feminism means equality for everyone not just according to s*x.

  3. I lmfao EVERYTIME I hear the claim that "feminism benefits men too!", while in the background, anti-men laws like the one in England is being passed on a daily basis. The other day a femminist stated something like fertility in women in Italy was on the wane because they didnt welcome femminism enough (this is a true answer given by a femminist on GWS - The regulars may remember). I shook my head in disbelief until my ears dropped off. I never thought lying was an art until I started reading what femminists spew on here and other websites.

  4. Thank you for your OPINION. It was an interesting rant, uh I mean, read.

    Why do some men blame "feminism" when their wives divorce them?

  5. Rio are you nuts? or just plain Stupid? How in h**l will the legal problems of Men be solved? Is the God Damned Tooth Fairy going to wave her Legal Wand? This posting will be deleted, of that you can count on. The Innocence Project is proving the Legal System and the Courts in the US are a travesty of justice. The Family Courts were declared Decades ago to be Kangaroo Courts by a former Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas.

    And you are a top contributor? Wow another vacuous statement of illogic. This is some entertaining nonsense being spewed here.

    Here are the Feminist benefits to Men. Prison, Early Death, Suicide increases, wholesale removal by the Millions from our Families, massive debt, oppression and criminalization of our entire gender by the US Government. s***w that. Our reward is to die in Foreign Hostile nations protecting the Rights of Women. While US Women collude with and support the very people we are fighting. Code Pink sent money to Al-Queda during the Battle for Fallujah.

    Tammy Bruce a Feminist with authentic Feminist credentials has publicly stated the strongest protectors of Women's Rights in the Middle East are the United States Marine Corps.

  6. No, because it's true. Feminism has played a role from liberating men from the task of being the sole providers for their wives and children. It has also encouraged men to ignore the masculine mystique and act the way they see fit. Men are having some legal problems now, but they will be resolved the way women's legal problems have.

    I think the only reason male feminists as a whole are unhappy is because they have to deal with patronizing screeds like this one.

  7. You obviously have a poor understanding of feminism and its cause and are attempting to co-opt it for your own purposes.

    Feminism does address most of the core issues that men tend to bring up as men's issues and does NOT advocate leaving children up to the state and does NOT demonize masculinity. It is meant to restore balance between gender discrimination in a way that should be respectful to all genders. That's right ALL genders, because there are more than one gender expressions btw.

    I've never met an unhappy "male feminist" (I don't know why you would have to specify their gender to even ask that question), but you do sound like a pretty unhappy misogynist.

    Welcome to the club. I'm sure you'll find more like-minded anti-feminists around here who seek to destroy a movement that actually aims to help your ungrateful self too.

  8. I laugh a lot if and when I hear that.

  9. Wow someone is in a foul mood... If feminist would do a bunch of books on the shrinking girl... Why don't the men do the same?  I know plenty of girls that have been removed from public school systems for many reasons but I think its better for them because todays school system sucks in general... not just for boys.  So now that you have identified your issues what is your plan?

  10. ,Walter, the best answer is the meta-answer of the poll itself.  Everyone has a different angle but notice how not a single female answer allowed that there was any validity to your position.  Also notice how polemical the answers of those who 'did not laugh' were.  In contrast, the comments of those who did laugh were very personal---real experiences, not theory.  Functionalism is a methodology that served science well in its golden age.  It says that things that have persisted over time, whether they be biological, social, spiritual or whatever, probably either serve a function or did so historically.  This is a perspective that is intrinsically opposed to the current view that growth ('development') is inherently good and history is progressive.  We are finally starting to realize that stability over time (many today would call it sustainability) is a better goal than growth or change.  I am a Functionalist and I would suggest that all things male are being tossed onto the 'dust bin of history' and that this is a symptom of how sick our society has become in the last century, rather than a mark of progress as so many today would claim.  People like Patois could try a little harder to discern the truth but she will not because the process of demonizing the male will not stop until it either becomes absolute or sparks a reaction on an equivalent scale.  Since the Feminist Conquest is the single most cataclysmic social transformation in a millenium, the reaction, if it comes, will be shattering.  The male and his role was an integral part of a social system that worked, just as the agrarian system of economic organization worked.  Today's post-modern system, in contrast, is so riddled with burgeoning problems that it cannot be described as working; it is self-destructing.  Unfortunately, it seems all we can do is watch.  If I didn't laugh, I'd cry.

  11. Half of all children are male.  It was female feminists, not men, who fought for child labor laws that benefitted young boys who were being horribly exploited by men, forced to work in dangerous mines and factories 14 hours a day.  Half of all children used in child p**n or held in s*x slavery are boys.  Yet, not one single so-called "Men's Rights Activist" group fights for laws to end child p**n or child s*x slavery.  Feminists do. Poverty is the leading cause for how poorly young boys do in school and poverty is the leading correlation indicator for why men commit violent crimes and end up in prison.  Yet, men as a voting block consistently vote down every single child benefitting measure or attempt to reduce child poverty and the roots of adult male social problems / sufferings. Men as a voting block vote down school funding, child health care, child nutritional programs, decline support of the Head Start Program, quality child care, etc., anything to save a buck for themselves.  Men account for the vast majority of dead-beat parents, the majority of child abusers / molesters and murderers and school / mall / serial shootings/ killings.  Men as a voting block vote down gun control which is why 40,000 people are slaughtered every year, mostly young men.  Feminism fights for paternity / maternity leave and men vote that down.  Feminism fought for equal pay so that mothers could raise their sons without poverty.  Men fought that, too.  Feminists fight to end the Selective Service program as sexist against men.  Men just whine that women should have to participate toooooo.  Men screech in divorce court that they will NOT support  their children unless they get to control how the money is spent.  Men abandon their sons 40 times more often than do women.  Feminism stands by male children, tomorrow's men.  Do YOU?

    Edit: Walter, if we could just all unite in this one commonality of raising a crop of children without poverty that so much suffering would be reduced for everyone.  That's the problem, the root.  People forget that the children come first.

  12. Feminism is a movement that focuses solely on the interest of women; so yes, it is quiet laughable and untrue when people say that feminism also benefit men.

  13. Laugh, yes it's insane.  Someone said if you keep lying enough, eventually it will be believed.

    I have "benefited" from feminism.  They took away my son, brother*, job and dignity away from me.  If I get any more "benefits" I guess that means I'll go to a concentration camp?  

    My son has slipped thru the are right.

  14. I am a feminist and a mother of both boys and girls.  I do agree that these days the classroom is setting is more comfortable for girls than for boys since so much is based on relationships and ability to communicate effectively.

    I also know from college applications that more and more women are getting into universities and colleges.

    HOWEVER, I think that men/boys have certain abilities that girls/women don't have.  I think that both sexes can balance each other and have an equally fulfilling lives.

    That's what I'm hoping my children will find.  I want for my daughters to be fulfilled outside the traditional motherhood role which I am doing as a mostly stay at home, PTA, car pooling, part time working mom. I also want my boys to realize that they are going to be successful.

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