Mainly because for one, feminism shouldn't be dealing with men at all. Since it's already gynocentric enough as WOMEN's movement. Yet many feminists and gender theorists feel the right to self-righteously deconstruct, criticize, trivialize and eventually demonize masculinity in men. As most of their belief systems and theories are based on archaic pseudoscientific sociological theories and their accompanying literature, almost always leading to “all we are a social construct - biology having no influence whatsoever.†So if children’s minds are blank slates, we can then socialize into how WE as the state best see fit. Then the analogies to Marxism/Socialism come along understandably, with the underlying premises of social engineering present in most gender studies literature. If the more traditional parents rebel, then they take the children into the hands of the state – day-care, and thanks to feminists a remodelled education system in favor of girls, while boys slip through the cracks. I bet if that was the current case for girls there would be tons of books being published and heart felt seminars from feminists, on the “incredible shrinking girlâ€Â... Wait there already were in the early 90s.
In the end if you’re a male feminist, you should feel privileged that the feminists allowed you a few crumbs left to eat, even though they are laced with strychnine, while they are drinking champagne with their sisters – hey at least you’ve got something.
I’ll be a regular around here for a while, you’ll get used to me.
Male feminists are you happy being feminists?