
Don't you like how Russia doesn't ask questions or permission and just pummels their opponents?

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I wish the US had balls like that. We've got the guns and stuff, yet we always have to be so nice and polite. It sickens me.




  1. What do you think American troops are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan? What did we do in Kosovo and Libya? Who did we have to ask permission to attack? Sorry, about answering with questions to your questions. But, we almost have bigger balls than Israel. Russians suck.

  2. Russia was fighting over defending it citizens, America fights for ......

    I dont know maybe oil or those "Hidden WMDs".  

  3. I find it an endearing quality. Those who lived through the years of 1956 Hungary and 1968 Czechoslovakia might wish they had been given a warning first. This is one thing that separates us from dictatorships(it still is one as long as Putin is in control, no matter what the propaganda mill says otherwise) We are fighting an invisible enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Russians will be fighting one as well if they stay long enough. The Soviets could not keep their empire together with a sledgehammer approach and neither will the new imperialist Russians cloaked in their former ideology.

  4. If Saakashvili did his invasion in South Ossetia more accurate and... mmm... intelligent, not bombing the sleeping city right after he declared he won't do it, then Russia (maybe) "ask for permission".

    In addition, US has a finger in a pie with Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo.. so let them shut up

  5. The U.S. has balls like that (if "balls" is the right word). Keep in mind that the invasion of Iraq was based on false lies and has had low public support for a long time. Plus, Bush went in there with very little international acceptance.

    Think he'd ever do something like that with Russia? Nah. They'd actually present a challenge.

  6. The US still has balls like that, but enough t******e-less people voted for t******e-less politicians and now we have what we have, whether they're democrats or repubs. doesn't matter.

    Reagan showed some balls when he pummeled the libyan (lebanon?) dictator Kudafi.  Reagan moved the troops in, bomb the c**p out of his army, put a 1 million dollar bounty on his head, brought the troops in one night and then went on the news and told everyone what happened and that the world is now safe before anyone knew it had happen.

    That scared the c**p out of anyone that wanted to mess with us and the world respected us for it.

    Picture yourself beating up a school bully and emailing a video of it to everyone in school before they got home off the bus.  Who would mess with you the next day and how would they treat you?  Same thing.

  7. NOBODY tells the "Russian Bear" WHAT to Do, or WHEN to do it... It's always been the Russian "Way...".

  8. well at least they don't fool around.

  9. 1) Georgia is the aggressor

    2) Russia just want to teach Georgia a lesson "Telling Georgia come mess with me and i will come kick your *** again" It was Georgia that started this war.

    3) Being a world Leader US has to lead the world by example. As long as they gain support from majority of the world powers (United Nation Security Council of 5 - US,Britain, China, France, Russia.)

    If the world security council the made up of the world strongest military power.

    Now take a look what happen after 911. US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. How many people did it killed?

    Spending Trillions of dollars are mainly due to the distance between the conflict zone. The US has to dispatch Air carriers to its bases in the middle east. It cost a lot of money.  I am sure the War will be cheaper if Mexico is doing something stupid to US. Do you think US will not retaliate like the Russia ?

    I think you do not have the true facts and analyze the situation before you actually post this questions.  

    There is always another side of a story. Depending on who's the story teller. Facts might be twisted.

  10. Quick and decisive actions are a benefit of a dictatorship.  But it can be misused.  Russia-Putin- is testing us.  If we give no response, they will begin to think they have 'free rein' to take over other countries also.  Including Cuba and Venezuela.  If we do not resist immediately, we will have a much worse and bigger fight down the road.  

    An attack on a friend is an attack on us.

  11. The Russians are *******. They waited until Reagan died before they got all ballsy again.

  12. Yeah....but...aren't they just being the ultimate schoolyard bullies?

  13. No, you don't have to love the russians. If might makes right, then why don't we just invade Mexico and make them apart of the US? Because with that power comes responsibility. No I don't think we should be in the for-front telling Russia to get out of Georgia when we need to get out of Iraq!! But what Russia did, was to invade a country that only wants it's sovernty. The Russians are acting as they did in pre-world war 2 and post world war 2. They just take without regard. Because they as a country and government are dying!! The only thing a leach knows is to suck the life blood from other things. I don't admire the Russian gorvernment as you do. I think they are just as wrong as anyone who invades without purpose or justification.!! take it as you will!

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