
Don't you love Hillary for this?

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This is the statement she just released.

"The two party conventions showcased vastly different directions for our country. Senator Obama and Senator Biden offered the new ideas and positive change America needs and deserves after eight years of failed Republican leadership. Senator McCain and Governor Palin do not.

After listening to all the speeches this week, I heard nothing that suggests the Republicans are ready to fix the economy for middle class families, provide quality affordable health care for all Americans, guarantee equal pay for equal work for women, restore our nation's leadership in a complex world or tackle the myriad of challenges our country faces. So, to slightly amend my comments from Denver: NO WAY, NO HOW, NO McCAIN-PALIN."




  1. yes

  2. You tell'em Hillary!

  3. Hillary is the BEST! Can't wait until she is Secretary of State in Obama's administration.

  4. Yes!  

  5. I think Obama/Biden should not say anything about Palin. They should get Hillary to do so! Hillary is a much better woman when it comes to years of work and Obama/Biden should spend all time talking about McCain. Yes, Palin can read well but to me came off to hard. She is a pitbull alright or even a girl Rush Limbaugh

  6. Clinton is a democrat and what she said has only to do with her poitical affiliation. Obama has offered nothing in the way of what he would do other than to pander to special interest groups and hand US money out of your pocket to the United Nations so they can go and declare an action in some country like Kenya where his true concerns lie. Obama's change is to have the UN use our citizens as troops to help his brother in a one room hut in Africa he cares NOT for us lazy spoiled Americans he said "We can't drive our SUVs and eat all we want and expect other countries to say that's OK that's not leadership that's not going to happen". Obama WANTS to see YOU POOR.

    I don't love McCain BUT I am not blind to what the world would become with Obama and his "Global Poverty Act". Look it up Obama is the sponsor of a bill that will not only lead to an American DEPRESSION but also give our abilities to govern ourselves over to the United Nations. What a joke. But it won't be if Obama wins. No the joke will be the chump change left in your pocket after he is through picking it.

  7. Is this the same Hillary who said that Obama didn't have enough experience to be president when she was running against him in the primaries and said his change was "not change u can believe in, it's change u can xerox" (stupid but she said it)? The same one who's husband said that the Obama candidacy was "the biggest fairytale I've ever seen"? LMAO!!!!! What PHONY FAKE A** HYPOCRITS!!!!! Who gives a sh*t what she says? Who can believe it anyways?

  8. She has earned more respect post-primaries than she has in the last 20 years in my book.  She is the one putting country first, not the Republicans.

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