
Don't you love Palin as McCain's running mate?

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I am very excited for the GOP ticket, especially after last night's speech by Palin. The fact that liberals are so pissed about her makes the election look all that more promising for the Republicans. I just can't get over that some conservatives are being crappy because she is a woman (the GOP isn't just for white men anymore, get over it!!!!). There are a million reasons McCain picked her, so I am annoyed that folks are trying to make it seem that he only picked her because she is a woman.

I hear people talk bad about her, but none of what they say really holds any water... i.e. "She didn't say in her speech how she was going to change America". Well, duh, this was her intro to America speech, her time to really tout McCain, which she did an excellent job of. She shouldn't have gone into those details.

Props to McCain and Palin, it's going to be a winning ticket!




  1. She's a country bumpkin "soccer mom" and should stick to doing just that. With 5 kids, one being a down syndrome baby, and one being 5 months pregnanty, she needs to be at home with the kids and certainly not 2nd in command.  

  2. I wish them the best of luck.  But this country is not only populated by well to do white women, and that's what the Republican party seems to be forgetting.  Sure they like to talk about God, and smaller government to get you people to vote for them but at the end of the day real people suffer because of leader like McCain and Bush.

    Obama-Biden 100%!!!!!!

  3. I love it! The media is having a feeding frenzy and McCain looks like an impulsive moron.

  4. I  am excited!

    As Peggy Noonan said  - "It is over."

  5. I completely agree. She  is clearly a tough and smart woman who will be a great asset to our country. I think it will be interesting to watch her destroy Biden in the debates. When she won the race for Governor, she had a debate with the incumbent Republican governor, who also served over 20 years in the senate like Biden, and she just dismantled him. It was fun to watch. Obama must be scared that people are finally seeing him for the empty suit he is.

  6. Yes, I think Sarah Palin is brilliant!

  7. Yes. She's really a teriffic lady.

  8. I was SO nervous for her.  I knew this could be all over the news if she slipped up even a little.   I am BEAMING right now..but with some apprehension.   We've still got a debate. *knocks on wood* Here's hoping she can deliver.

  9. I to see how pissed the libs are....To me she is the only candidate or politician, on both sides, that seems REAL.....

  10. If you do not like Sarah Palin you do not like America.


  11. mayeb she is a great lady, but she is ONLY VP. yeah its a big position, but its not pres. Mccain is still an idiot. Obama is the way I'm going.

  12. Doesn't matter what annoys you the facts are McCain is seen as abrasive and doesn't connect well with women voters so why not get someone who could possible attract those displaced and disenfranchised voters.  

    For a ticket that is making the claim of "straight talk" well then lets get some straight talk.  The American people don't really need to know what she has done, we need and want to know what she plans to do.  When do you propose her to go into those details.  Biden went into great detail about how he plans to assist Obama fix the problems, now Obama didn't really go into much detail.

    This what I love more than anything else, if you don't vote for Obama you're a racist but if you don't like Palin or vote for the Palin ticket then you're a sexist.  So why can't we not like her b/c we don't feel she is the most qualified choice?  Of course that can't be a reason b/c that would be to simple.  It sounds like Obama supporter rhetoric to me just clothed in the skin of an Elephant.  I do believe you would be hard pressed to find a Republican who is opposed to women in the party or even leading the party but I do believe that many of the Republican party members wants someone that they feel is battle tested. She just isn't, that's the plain facts........sorry to say but her time as a mayor of a city that is about the size of Soddy Daisy (you'll know what I'm talking about).  

    It's really hard to get behind her when her own party has even said she is not the best choice (note the open mic comment on youtube).

    I also found a small problem with some of the "facts" that she kepts pushing.  The "Bridge to nowhere" that she kept saying that she was against..........well come to find out she totally supported that project from the start but only flip flopped after cues from McCain and the rest of the Republican Party.  (third link)

    The fourth link pretty much a tell all of where she stands.  Again im not opposed to a female v.p. I am opposed to the wrong female v.p.  There are countless numbers of other qualified female choices in the United States and would have made a far better choice.  I woudl have liked to see someone who has a more extensive business background or a better understanding foreign policy.  But again just b/c i am opposed to Palin I must be just as sexist as I am racist b/c i am opposed to Obama.

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