
Don't you sometimes find it hurtful to be good looking?

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Dannuele- Uhhhh, I feel that

Cbeebs – Don’t you ever think that it’s just their confidence? However, looks can’t just buy pleasures without its curses and life isn’t just about office.

Big Dan- are you livin in a total-idiots-shallow village?

Libertad- I dunno. 87% maybe.

Tracey- gosh, love this psyche thing

Kimmi M- good try, bud

Nebula- hey what can we do. Oh, been there.

Stepford Wife- whoa, such positive brain. Btw, stuck up in wat?

Ms. Sophisticate- yea, airhead isn’t just about pretties think they’re great, sometimes it’s just pressures.

Tata- thanks for sharing the pain..!

Aoi Roze- no baby, fat isn’t ugly. A fat buddy of mine has around 5 guys fancy her. It ends up the slim girls asking her back “how did you do it?”. but this isn’t about guys, guys are just the example I used to show the reflect. We don’t need the guys to approve beauty, though. You see, it’s all in the inside. Be glad that you can actually be beautiful without having shallow ppl stalking on you




  1. If your beauty is of "mirror-shattering" quality, and one of those pieces actually hit you, then yes, it can be hurtful. :-D

  2. Yes :(

  3. I wouldn't know.  I'd like to be able to find out, though:)

  4. NO! In terms of work, research shows good looking people are paid more, treated better by employees and bosses and receive higher performance appraisals....regardless of their performance!!!

  5. No....It has never caused me problems except that some people think that I am stuck up. I'm not.

  6. No, but I think being self-absorbed is extremely damaging to a person's psyche.

  7. Definitely. But how much hurtful do you think is to answer silly questions?

  8. Smile. Well, some naive individuals still imagine that pretty face conceals an airhead... I enjoy disabusing them of that erroneous opinion.

  9. The only thing hurtful about it is that a lot of people (mainly men) think that how you look = who you are, and they don't bother trying to actually get to know you.  That's really frustrating and can be really lonely.

  10. beats me...

    perhaps when i lose more weight maybe ill know..

    coz you know...fat equals ugly...

  11. LOL yes I do.

  12. Nah its great, usually its the other people that get hurt, i.e. walking into posts/pieces of glass from staring at me.

    I have even caught some people l*****g the ground that I have just walked on, and even drinking the toilet water out of the toilet i just used. Before i flush.

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