
Don't you think Britain should rebuild the British Empire?

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Don't you think Britain should rebuild the British Empire? It's been decades since it fell. Why aren't they rebuilding it??




  1. Sounds like an expensive project to me.  Also, the locals would not like it.  But if we were to have a go at it, I should support a bid to reconquer the Bordeaux region, English 1154-1453, with all its lovely wines.

  2. Uh, because no one wants to be a subject of Gordon Brown's.

  3. The land British Empire is dead. The first was us here in what is now the USA and up north in Canada. The second was the one that the sun never set on that you think should be rebuilt. Be a long hard row to hoe son! You could argue that we are in the age of the third. The one where Britain's capital money wise is an Empire, that was produced by the wealth from the second. Think the international language of business is English and the British pound is worth more than the American dollar. Great Britain is sitting pretty right now without bother to try to physically conquer the globe again........Anna Og I rather think you are right. We don't like elites which is George W. Bush has ticked off so many of us. Your princes are nice boys with the "common" touch. But Charles their father underlines to me why we don't like Kings, Earls, Lords, Sirs, and such.....I want my country back this November. I still would never trade a home grown elitest like Bush for a British King though....I doubt any of us would.

  4. it would of been nice to keep the empire but WE gave it back and it would be frowned on if we were to go and take back india etc. they shouldn't have given them back, we lost most of our power and no other countries gave back places they'd conquered,

    it would be nice to have one though

  5. So where do we invade? Which countries can we take?  

  6. I think the British Empire's age of supreme reign has come to an end. Right now the United States is the dominant power in the world.

    But as history shows, no power remains the strongest for long, and eventually the United States will be pushed out of its honor of being the "greatest nation" by another nation.

  7. I think it would be difficult talking India and other outposts of the Empire to play nice and come back in.  Most of the British Empire are independent countries.  

    I also think that the US would balk at rejoining the Empire.  Tea time and all that fuss..too much for us efficient all about time management Americans.  And we would all have to learn to drive on the right hand side of the road.  Would make us crazy.  

  8. I think they're too busy holding on to the dream of what once was.  If you ever meet an Englishman sooner or later they'll make some reference to 'their' colonies that have in fact been independent states for years.  Still as arrogant as ever, just without the clout.

  9. We are in another age right now. The British Empire was the biggest empire in history. Following WW2 the continent of Europe & Great Britain was virtually in ruins following the battle they endured against germany. However,times had changed for Great Britain and most of the colonies went through a change of either wanting to be part of the commonwealth or wanting independence. Great Britain was 400 years older and more wiser at this stage (and after the war had no money) and so GB for the last 60 years has assisted most of those countries who wanted independence in a peaceful way. Although we do try to assist the old countries if requested.

    No, so times have changed if the empire was to rebuilt it would be on totally different terms and conditions and don't forget it is too expensive to run an empire!!!!

    Somebody says earlier that we harp on about the colonies. That person is either talking to an 80 year old or they are blatantly lying. In all my life I have NEVER heard anybody talk about the empire NEVER. The below 50years(Which I am one!!) probably have not heard of it, as at school we probably did a couple of lessons of it, that is all,

  10. The British Empire didn't fall, it was disbanded because is was costly (both in money and life) and went against the British ideals of freedom and individual rights. That's we we're not rebuilding it.

  11. Because the Americans got it.

    And incidentally, they sit back smugly as they watch the Americans blunder around trying to fix problems they started.

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