
Don't you think John McCain must have some residual Psychological effect from having been a POW?

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I'm not a psychiatrist but what I heard him said through out I sense that McCain is a bitter and disturbed man from the experience of POW.

For example, few years ago he called Vietnamese, "g**k!" And don't tell me if he can refer another race by racial epithet that he wouldn't do for another non-white race either. Here's the link to that name calling:

Along with this name calling, he said recently that he would rather lose an election than losing a war???

Adding up these statements, doesn't he sound like he's really bitter and angry like a mad man??

I'm not saying he has no right to be angry but we all know that when we are angry we don't use good judgments.

So why would you vote for this man who has anger stored inside and which makes him disturbed person???

Do you really want a disturbed man to be the leader of U.S.A?

Another note: If Obama had said these statements then I would attack him also but Obama seem more sane and sound minded to me.




  1. i don't know about whether he does suffer from psychological problems, but i think it is at least plausible since even normal soldiers often have ptsd and not only was he a normal soldier, he was a POW (for a long time as well).

  2. yeah! if it was me,  would be sooo messed up if that happened to me.  

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