
Don't you think Joseph Biden is a good example of why we need term limits??

by Guest56988  |  earlier

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He's been in office since 1973 - one of the longest in Senate history. He's pretty much already bought off by lobbyists, is filthy rich and immune to the plight of the 'people.' Now he's supposed to be VP? I think it's so wrong! (regardless of party).




  1. No, I've never seen any politician who made me think "Gee, that is why we need term limits." Furthermore, I sure as heck don't understand why you would say that he is "immune to the plight of the people." Why do you say that? How do you know what plights he is "immune" to? Do you know what happened to him in 1972, right after he got elected? He had an extremely serious plight of his own, the kind that befalls lots of "ordinary people."

  2. That is quite a long time to be in office. He is an excellent poster Senator for campaign reform.

    He has an estimated net worth of around $200,000 and actually has taken quite a bit of money from lobbyists (He is a Democrat, after all).

    And Obama does not take money from federally registered lobbyist groups, but he does take money from state lobbyists.

    Senators are not required to disclose the exact amount of their net worth, but rather the range of value into which each of their assets falls. So instead of listing that Mercedes at $197,000 it would be listed at $90,000-$200,000. As a result, it is virtually impossible to know the exact net worth of Senators: we can only estimate.

    There seems to be a little confusion about the day to day activities of lobbyists. Basically, they pay for everything: expensive meals, baseball and basketball game tickets, vacations. Everything is free when you are a legislator. It makes the comparatively small salary worth it. With all respect, to say that legislators do not use money from PACs is a little naive.

  3. The list is long.  Ted Stevens, Robert Byrd, Thad Cochran, and remember Strom Thurmond almost lived to be 100 in office.  While I understand your point, we already have term limits.  We just don't use our elections to do it.

  4. Nice try at making up facts.  Joe Biden is neither filthy rich or bought off by lobbyists.  Do you have a cite to back up your claims?  Didn't think so.

    You might wish to read what conservative columnist David Brooks has to say about Joe Biden in his column yesterday which began:

    "Barack Obama has decided upon a vice-presidential running mate. And while I don’t know who it is as I write, for the good of the country, I hope he picked Joe Biden. "

    I linked it below for your convenience :)

    Edited to add:   If it is about term limits, then why did you make it about Biden and claim he is rich when he is not?  

    No, MBNA cannot contribute to Biden or any other politician.  Their employees can contribute to a PAC which can then contribute to the campaign.  By the way, Barack Obama takes no PAC contributions but John McCain and the Republican Party do  :)  

    Now that Biden is on the ticket, he will not be taking any either and neither will the Democratic Party as per the request of Barack Obama.

    The strongest arguments against term limits are that deliberative bodies like the Senate need institutional memory in order to function properly and that they would deny people the right to re-elect someone that they truly want to have in office.  It is not a black and white issue at all.

    His SON is a lawyer and has done lobbying work, but now he is Attorney General in Delaware NOW he will be going to Iraq very soon.  You left that part out  :)

    Biden is not rich and he has never been involved in any ethics scandals like John McCain has in the Keating Five scandal.

    Does this sound rich?:

    Sen.Joe Biden(D-Del.)

    Net worth: $100,000-$150,000

    Details: Biden has spent virtually his whole life in public service and does not have much else aside from investments in a small array of mutual funds and cash accounts. He received a $112,000 advance from Random House for a book in 2005.

    Cupcake the figures came from the Washington Post which took it from the financial statements that Senators are required by law to file.  Duh.  The current salary of a U.S. Senator is $165,500 a year.

    The campaign contributions are not his money.  They go to finance his re-election campaigns.  Do you understand?

    The guy is not a rich man.  Sorry to burst your bubble.  Now, your man McCain on the other hand married an extremely rich woman and has 8 homes and 240 employees staffing those homes, why aren't you ranting about that, hmmm?

    Jeez cupcake, here is another edit for you:

    The CURRENT SALARY of a U.S. Senator is $165,200 a year.  It has not been that high for all the years Biden was in office.  He has three or four kids,  you think maybe he might have spent money on their college educations and raising them?  

    Once again, campaign contributions are not the personal funds of candidates.  It is ILLEGAL to appropriate such funds for personal use.  There is nothing under the table about PAC contributions.  They are reported to the Federal Elections Commission.    They go to the CAMPAIGN not the candidate.  The candidate can NOT use the money personally.

    Finally, Biden's personal worth is a matter of public record because he has to file financial disclosures because he is a U.S. Senator.  That is where the Washington Post got the financial figures.  I don't care whether you believe it, but it happens to be the truth.  :)

  5. But in your mind McCain is somehow a qualified candidate for president?  One that should not be affected by term limits...


  6. I agree there should be TERM limits,

    Senate - 4 years

    Pres - same as today

  7. Yes, he voted against working Americans and in favor of credit card banks like Citigroup.

  8. wow... you guys don't even wait for the announcement....

    Notice that your own candidate is not willing to pick a VP until he knows who he has to smear...

  9. Although I don't believe in term limits because people have a choice of voting their representatives out of office every 4 years.  However, I think John McCain is a better example of why we need term limits.  Then again if you have stupid people voting election after election, this is what you are going to get, another Bush.

  10. No, Joe Biden is not wealthy, his income is less then 300,000 way less then many in office that are worth mills.  I do not oppose him or others being in since they all get full pensions and medical insurance paid for by taxes. McCain collects Social Security, military pension, I believe he was awarded admiral, and he has had a few govt positions that are all subject to getting pensions.  I think we should permit governors etc longer terms since they also get to collect and make more out of office then in.! McCain was a governor too I think  

  11. You hit the nail on the head.. Gold star for you...

    Biden is the perfect example of why we need term limits for congress and senate. They will never vote to make term limits, because it would put themselves out of work.... Kinda screwed up process...

  12. Congress will never give itself term limits.  Hence, talking about Congressional Term Limits is a pointless debate to have.  

  13. Typically Republican double standard.


    If term limits should apply to Democrats, why not Republicans.

    Any hint of alleged corruption that you dream up about Biden can be matched t*t for tat with McCain and then some.

    PLUS McCain wants to continue the corruption at the HIGHEST LEVEL that Bush started.

    With McCain as your are going to be fighting a losing battle. You might just accept it.

  14. Nope, but McCain sure is.

    He admits that "Washington is broken".

    Did he help break it?

    Why no attempt to fix it before?

    Why 7 years of silence?

    Why 7 years of bowing to President Bush's wishes?

    Might wish to check some facts also.

    Biden is not "filthy rich".

    McCain is "filthy rich", thanks to his adulterous ways.

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