
Don't you think McCain's choice of Palin is totally hypocritical?

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McCain and his team have been assailing Obama for months for his supposed lack of experience and readiness to be president and here he goes and picks as his running mate someone with far less. Isn't that totally hypocritical? If experience is so important to McCain, why did he choose someone with a mere 20 months governorship of one of the least populous states to be a heartbeat away from the presidency? Is that the kind of experience he values so highly? And don't give me that baloney that its different because she's running for VP. McCain is now 72 years old and if he croaks she will become commander in chief. Shouldn't someone with that kind of responsibility have experience as well?




  1. Yeah picking someone with MORE experience tan your opponent has for your running mate is really being hypocritical... SHeesh.. It is clear she has more experience than Obama and is a better fit for president than he is...  

  2. "Don't you think McCain's choice of Palin is totally hypocritical?"

    No... but I think the question was.

  3. Anyone who says that Obama has less experience than Palin is lying, period.  

  4. She has more experience than Borat Hussein Osama

  5. I think it is hypocritical of Democrats to talk about her lack of experience when she has more than Obama. She took on her own party in Alaska to fight corruption. She ran against a corrupt governor and won. She got rid of a horribly corrupt Republican senator who may be spending some jail time. Right now she is ripe for Washington politics Let's just hope she isn't contaminated by other politicians and stays uncorrupted which is what America needs, someone to fight corruption in politics.

  6. Palin was a great choice and she's done LOTS to turn around things in the state of Alaska.  

    BESIDES.... she's been a governor, Obama's only been a senator -- BIG DIFFERENCE in terms of responsibility/ accountability/range of experience.

    I'm proud of McCain for choosing her - it shows that he's going to go with someone who he has confidence in - and that he's not afraid to take the road less traveled.  We NEED that kind of strength in the country right now.  People need to step up and be responsible for their own actions and they need to use their brains more.  This "sheep mentality" is disgusting and it's NOT what America is about.  Think about our founders and what they had to overcome and what they endured just so those who came after them could have the freedom that no other country has offered.

  7. you bet ye, he is making a mockery out of our electorial process.

  8. Well 20 months is far more than the mere 143 days of Obama's 'experience'

    McCain Palin WILL win over the inexperience of Obama and the "old" liberal Democrat

  9. The pick for VP should have comparable experience as the candidate for President. As you said McCain could go any day and I don't think Palin could talk to Putin Or the congress like she is running a PTA meeting. It is an obvious ploy to get some female votes. Hopefully the women voters will see through it and the plan will backfire.

  10. No I thought it was brilliant.  Palin, unlike Obama, is a real agent of change.  He looks weak already compared to Sarah.

  11. No.

  12. Of course.

    The idea of counting city council or even mayor of a 9k city is absurd.

    What's her opinion on the Iraq War? tax cuts? High oil prices.

    Then again, the way McCain is acting lately, he might be less mentally able than she is.

    Ah, the true idiocracy!

  13. McCain always chooses a pretty face.  

  14. Yes, Bush Lite's choice of Palin was a transparent and desperate bid for the votes of the GOP base and in direct contrast to his assertion that experience matters. Hypocritical but not at all surprising.

  15. He's desperate. Fact. He'd have made a safer pick if he thought he could win.

  16. She is Bush in a skirt and she will be easy for Rove to control.

  17. You mean, Obama's 140 days in the Senate, versus almost two years as Governor?

  18. No.  I view it as his generation passing the baton, so to speak.  She actually has more executive experience then anyone running as a former mayor and governor.

  19. The beauty of his pick is anytime she is criticized for her experience, Obama is criticized for his. (which is less than hers)

  20. There's a difference between President and VP.  But she complements McCain's out of date thinking like Biden complements Obama's idealism.

  21. I'm going to quote another Yahoo! user on this, because it was one of the most eye-opening deductions I have read in quite some time.

    Quote: "So a small town populist stands up against corruption in her own party and fights for reform to the point of unseating an incumbent governor in her own parties primary and goes on to be elected as governor in a general election and then cleans house and fires all of the cronies..oh yeah from her own party and forms a new cabinet for true reform.

    Yep, this is change I can believe in.

    Meanwhile, Obama picks a member fo the old guard to mentor him and support him for a smooth transition into the DC mindset.

    Yes, I am very excited about Palin."

    And I completely agree =]

    McCain '08

  22. My Goodness Yes.

  23. No, I don't. Palin is an excellent choice for VP. Obama has less experience and he's running for president. There's probably as much of a chance of Obama catching a bullet as there is McCain dying in office so how does Biden as a potential replacement fit into the "hope and change" myth?

  24. actually no, i believe he was playing the gender card, as i know alot of femenists were going to vote for hillary simply because she was a faemale ( the same way alot of people i knwo are voting for/against obamba just because h e is black)  so he is going to try to win over more female votes and she still has more political experience than obama. and shes young which is a plus.

  25. lets see.....she was on a city council, then mayor, then govenor of alaska for 2 years.  obama was a community organize then senator for 145 days and had 130 votes of present. she drop kicks his butt anytime.

  26. Picking a racist communist with ties to terrorists is hypocritical.

    Picking a person with great qualifications who happens to be a woman is just smart.

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