
Don't you think McCain is a (Hero X 2)?

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Hero X 2 = Putting country first and Putting country first.

Millions of $ on the RNC and McDifferent is putting Gustav as a priority

If you think Bush did a crappy job on Katrina, just google (Dem. Governor Blanco refused aid from Bush) when he offered it. Then the Dems did blameshifting.




  1. He is a war hero but I don't think that qualifies him for the  White House. That's about the only thing I respect about that man.  

  2. I hope you get intelligent, well thought out comments. More than likely you'll get some uninformed drivel from a young, uneducated, r****d. John McCain is an amazing man and has demonstrated this with deeds, not words.  

  3. What do you expect? He's in the public eye now. Instead of letting others step up to the plate, he is demonstrating the measures he would take as President to help protect the people and the nation as a whole. He has done much more than Oboobma the messiah.

  4. John McCain is a Viet Nam war and I respect him for that. But like myself and a hundred thousand others who were Viet war vets we feel he was no more a 'hero' than most who served over there.

    He was awarded 28 metals for 20 hours of flight time (because his daddy was an Admiral), crashed five planes because of pilot error and probably shouldn't have been allowed to fly. He claims of torture are greatly exaggerated according to his fellow POWs. Like John Kerry, his service record was padded. Read the truth by following this link:

    I respect John McCain as a fellow vet, but I don't respect Republicans trying to capitalize on his 'hero' status.

    Why don't you stick to the issues?

    That is, if your issues are worth sticking to.

    Thank you for the thumbs down. It proves my point.)

  5. Which country is McLame putting first?

    He never said.

    My guess is Iraq.

  6. Yep, he's a true American

    The Repub. Jindal is the best.

  7. mccain is a war vetren he has my utmost respect

  8. he's a war criminal. He bombed many innocents in vietnam and he supports the killing of iraqis and afghanis. This Jacobin will become even more of a mass murderer if elected. When he realises that his cancers is taking him away he may push the button to exterminate humans as we know them.

  9. John McCain inspired me to register to vote.  I really do think he is a true hero.  I think he truely wants the best for all of us too.  

  10. When he pressured regulators to take it easy on Charles Keating (whom he was taking money from) while Lincoln Savings and Loan was being looted, does that qualify as putting your country first?

    He's demonstrated an abject subservience to K Street Lobbyists that is the exact opposite of putting country first.

    When he did that he demonstrated his priorities very clearly and he was a (Zero X 5)!!!

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