
Don't you think Mtv tres it just plain horrible and done in the poorest taste posible?

by  |  earlier

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And also feel it projects a real bad image to mexicans and other hispanics living in the US as well, with every guy looking like "cholos" and women all looking like hookers.




  1. It's MTV. What did you expect?

  2. Sadly the mass media (and MTV Tres in particular) keep using stereotypical portrayals in today's TV. Although to be fair, if they aren't getting other kinds of content from the Hispanic community (bands and the like) then they would have to be trusted to create their own decent programming. Not gonna happen, they are MTV.

  3. I'm not hispanic (I'm white British) but have to say that most TV is discriminating against people of hispanic origin.  People of hispanic origin are routinely stereotyped on TV (especially in America).  

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