
Don't you think Palin has more experience than Clinton?

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Isn't Clinton the one riding on her husband coatails while PALIN actually had her own Jobs in Goverment. Pta, city council, mayor, and govenor. clinton was in senate for two terms.




  1. hahahahahahahaha.........

  2. YES!! what has clinton goverend,nothing,hill,got where she got by bill,and bill only got there because of a third party canidate!!PALIN,makes liberal woman look bitter,haggy,and can show the girlymen liberals a thing or two about being tough!!

  3. No Palin is a close minded right wing hick from a small hick state that has 100,000 more people living in it than Staten Island does>A place that I doubt if she's ever seen from any NYC vantage point

    Hillary on the other hand is a big city Chicago girl who has an advanced degree , knew that she wanted to be president someday and so spent her 8 years living  in the White House taking careful notes and paying the strictest attention to all the details of the job [as all really smart women would]

    In addition Hillary Clinton is a US Senator from New York which has within it's state boundaries the City of New York which is the most culturally diverse city on the planet [ 170 different languages spoken within it's  city limits] and  just happens to be the cultural ,financial & religious capital of America

    Palin has none of that kind of practical experience to speak of.

  4. NO way, what are you talking make no sense!

  5. You do the math. She comes from a state with a population of 7000! Clinton got 18,000,000 votes. She's against abortion even after rape! What kind of experience leads to that kind of reasoning?

  6. Nope Clinton beets her hands down

    to bad obama didnt get it

    if he had picked Hillary he would have won by a land slide

  7. Yes, actually, a lot. What has Clinton been in the senate for 2 years? Palin has been Governer 3 years and Governers have more responsibilities than Senators.

  8. Palin is an expert on energy topics.  People simply don't know her because she's in Alaska.  But, overall Clinton has more experience from being in the White House and the Senate.  There's more to politics and being in office than being an expert.

    Being in government has a lot to do with who you know and how to play the game.  Clinton does this very well.

  9. Is no one getting it? Alaska has as many people as Austin, Texas. she's a local-yocal. It's not like New York, Chicago or Los Angeles. It's not like being a governor of a large state like California or Texas. It's like saying your great in your little town, that doesn't make you ready for prime time.

  10. Being a senator is a pretty big deal.

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