
Don't you think Palin needs to be more than just the Governor of nowhere before you can call her a star?

by Guest64743  |  earlier

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People. She's from ALASKA!

aka The s**+tty part of Canada.




  1. you are so uneducated....

  2. I'm Alaskan and will not dignify that with a quip or insult.  We know we have a wonderful life here and would not live anywhere else.  We have lived in the lower 48 but always return in a short time.  It is a unique and beautiful place to live and the people are genuine and have a much more relaxed attitude.

    We shouldn't be looking for the next celebrity or "star", we should be looking at what is best for our country and looking for a new era of leadership.

  3. Right. They have such a small population of people and they dont live the way WE live in the lower 48 states. She will be a fish out of water. She might as well be from Mars.  

  4.   Bet you wouldn't say that to the face of an Alaskan.  And what do you have as personal experience in Alaska ?  Your question reeks of immaturity and Obama kool-aid.    That "experience" is what makes her MORE QUAlIFIED than BOTH Obama and Biden.  Read the difference in job descriptions between a Senator and a State Governor.  Educate yourself.  

  5. Have you ever been to Alaska? It's probably the most beautiful state in the nation. To answer your question, no, she does not need to be more, she is just fine or y'all wouldn't keep up petty little attacks on her.  I want you to start telling me why I should vote for Obama instead of cheap shots at a VP candidate.

  6. I thought Repubes didn't like or trust celebrity, now they have a star?

    A rock star?  Who has galvinized the party.  Where are all the Hitler analogies?  The Paris Hilton comparisons.

    Oh, right. I forgot that the truth is what serves them at the moment, not an actual virtue.

    I was in Alaska once.  Went to  a bar, I swear this is true, called the Frozen Moose.  What can I say, I was a flight attendant.

    Moose:  why didn't she tell you in her speech?  She said nothing of substance.  Unless "we got alotta oil here" is considered a policy statement.

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