
Don't you think Sarah Palin is amazing? ?

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She is awesome and will be a great Vice President!




  1. sorry but i dont think the white house is going to see a soccer mom running the show, no way.  

  2. See?  This proves my thoughts...all you guys are going to vote the "MILF" ticket in November.

  3. Yes she is a great choice for John McCain's Vice President.  It will be a great future ahead because they are a great team!  The more I read about her and her accomplisments, the more I feel confident that he made the right choice for America!

  4. What's amazing is McCain jerking around Repubs and them eating it up

  5. Sure and Obama is really the messiah.

  6. Sure, pork chop.  And the tooth fairy is going to bring you a quarter for every tooth you pry out of your head and stick under your pillow.

  7. Governor Palin is amazing.

    Gov. Palin was in Austin Tx to give a speech. Her Labor pains began just as was introduced to speak, She spoke for and hour and half and then took a Limo to the airport. Just after take-off her water broke !!!

    The pilot flew fast back to Juneau and when Governor Palin arrivied in Alaska 6 hours later, she hitched up a team of dogs to sled and headed home on the Iditerod Trail.

    On the way home Governor Palin saw a Moose. She stopped the team of dogs, hunted the Moose down and shot it stone dead ! Then, she pulled out a 9 inch hunting knife, gutted the Moose and made Mooseburgers for dinner.

    She fed the kids, she did the dishes, made whoopy with her husband - and then - she hopped back into the dog sled to go to the hospital. On the way, she stopped to chat with the Postman and then FINALLY - she got to the hospital and had the Baby !!!

    I just love Governor Sarah Palin !!!

    She can do anything.

  8. No, I don't. She may be a very nice person but she doesn't belong on the national and international scene representing out country.

  9. The more I read about her and research her, the happier I am with Mccain's selection!

    She was a fantastic choice

  10. I think that she is a jewel in McCain's pocket and a jewel for the American people.....

  11. How much do you really know?

    Bet you don't know she is a control freak who wants to get in a woman's body and tell her what to do. Bet you don't know she wants to put religion in our public schools and therefore lacks the common sense because every religion will demand equal representation, including Muslims, lost tribes in the Amazon and devil worshipers. Think about voting for a control freak over one with enough common sense to know that life does not work that way.


    I am solidly anti abortion and totally pro choice. Because I know my values are mine, not everyone else. You really want to be controlled, or allowed to make up your own mind?


    I know I will get thumbs down from those that want big government to control their lives and thoughts.

    Once the Palin love fest subsides and the people figure her out, this is not going to do anything but bring McCain down.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  12. Sure, she had to bust her butt to get where she is, but it doesn't mean I want her in the VP slot.  I'm a Dem, so obviously, I disagree with both her and McCain on the issues.  And I think McCain's campaign should have fully vetted her.  I bet they're kicking themselves in the rear right now, I smell a few good scandals coming on.

  13. I find her more impressive than Obama.  He's on one committee that he has never attended a meeting for...........and she is a chief executive officer of a large state..............

    She started as a Mayor and is in touch with real people - not removed the way Biden is.  (or Obama)  

    She will do a great job...............I'm impressed.

  14. It is exciting and I can't wait to see and hear more from her!!!

  15. What's so awesome about her?  Why do you think she would be a great vice president?  I really don't care about your opinion unless you back it up with facts.

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