
Don't you think Selling up and moving to spain is tacky?

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Everyone does this why?

I've been there once and hated it.




  1. I reckon it's funny. These people are shown lovely countryside views and their plot for their house, they build on it thinking they are being exclusive and then suddenly a whole estate gets built around them. Don't they realise there's more than just their plot up for sale?

  2. to say you hate a country you have only visited once is very strange.  Did you go for a long time and visit every part?  I lived in the UK for 22 years and some of it I hated and some of it I loved but I still didnt manage to see it all.  Personally I think that judging people that have the desire and will power to move to a foreign country (and yes even in the most british parts of spain you still have to deal with the spanish) is a bit tacky and also I think you will find there are rather more british in britain than in spain so obvs not everyone is doing it

  3. If it makes people happy, fair play to them.

    If u dont like it, dont live there.

    Resolved me thinks!

  4. Don't you think that having Louis Vitton as a name is tacky?

  5. And that makes it tacky how?  Or are you the new arbiter of style.

  6. It all depends on what part of Spain you go to. If you only want to live amongst fellow Brits then I'd answer with a "yes".

  7. Just like all countries there is good and there is bad, we have lived in Spain for 3 years in an area with maybe about 25% English which means you dont feel totally out of your depth. The great things about Spanish are their family value, kids even teenagers still respect their elders, they get heavily involved in planning and running local fiestas, feel safe in even large towns, no hoodies, no gangs. With their laid back attitude to life all in all Spain is great, however it is tough to earn a good living, but hey thats the trade off.

  8. If Spain is where you want to live, why do you worry or care about what anyone else has to say?  Who is living your life?

    Even more so, if it is not your immediate family members, why should you even care about what others feel or their comments about where you want t live?

  9. When I went to Spain it reminded me of Texas, They spoke spanish and the terrain was the same.

  10. Not everyone.

    Spain only tacky when they all move to the same area for support of other Brits.

    Bunch of sadoes.

    Ok if they go there as some sort of pioneer and have to learn the lingo

  11. No.  I didn't like Spain either but haven't to all the places so now I don't think its tacky.

  12. I suppose its each to their own. I'd never do it but I can see why some would. I'd rather just go there for a long spell each year to avoid our worst weather.

  13. It all depends where you go. I have lived in Spain for 51/2 years and love every minute of it. We live where there are Spanish and English, and alot of the Spanish do not speak English so you have the fun of learning Spanish by trying to answer the locals in there native tongue. (which by the way I am not very good at) If you go to the likes of Benidorm to live then I think that is tacky big time, and hey and we have no Tony Blair here!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I couldn't live in Spain Englands to hot for me right now god knows what it would be like in Spain

  15. no its not....its quaint and quaint is nice

  16. No offence but you can't  judge a whole country on 1 poor experience.

  17. no.  why is it?

    i want to move to spain sum day, wats wrong with selling up an movin there.

  18. HOW ON EARTH can you say you HATE a whole country when you've only been there ONCE...and probably only for a week at that!!!........Get real

  19. i would like to be able to try it  **

  20. If you know for certain that thats where u want to be then go for it, who care what other people think

  21. cos its cheap to live there nikki

  22. I live in Spain and wouldn't recommend buying here to anyone!! The country is beginning a recession and there are too many properties not selling, people are losing money all round. There are better up and coming places to invest in. Many people think that a place is wonderful when they have their holiday here, but to really get a feel for a place, one needs to initially have 6 months out of 'holiday' seasons to really get to grips with the place. If anyone is really considering Spain, get the Englsih Newspaper websites located and saved to your favourites to see whats going on each week, it will open your eyes

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