
Don't you think Starbucks is expensive?

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I think that's not cheap at least. Please show me your opinion.

Thank you.




  1. its not cheap



  2. I think that Starbucks is outrageously expensive. But then you are not only paying for the product, you are paying for the Starbucks experience, which to me is not that great.

  3. Does a g*y bear defecate in the woods?  Of course it's expensive, but it isno more expensive than a drinking, smoking or drug habit. Pick the addiction of your choice

  4. yes it is. but u wont have one everyday so its just okay.

  5. Yes, it is pricey, but it is a treat I am willing to pay for.  I do pause when the food that I grabbed on my lunch hour cost less than the Starbucks that I pick up on my way back to work.  

  6. Well Starbucks refers to it takes the bucks that Hollywood Stars make to afford their drinks.

    Remember friends don't let friends drink Starbucks.  

  7. Yes I do agree, but we as a society are willing to pay it.  I'm not; I rarely go there.  Maybe because my sister buys really good coffee and I enjoy drinking it at home.  

  8. It depends on your viewpoint. The price of a cup of joe there is expensive compared to McDonalds or other convenient store coffees. But their quality is consistent and they usually make sure your happy with your purchase.

    They usually treat you nice and its more personable than other places you may visit. If you take advantage of their table and visit with a friend for an hour or so it is quite a  BARGAIN.Their equipment and cleanliness is far above these other type of competitiors. Plus where else can you treat someone to a date for $9:00 where your partner does not think your cheap/ So as far as price goes I believe there is value in their products.

    That being said I still prefer the independent coffee houses that offer even nicer atmosphere and their drinks in my opinion are even better. They also usually have free wifi. So I believe the independent coffee shop is a much better all around value and experience compared with Starbucks. Plus an individual owner is much more appreciative.

    There prices may even be a few pennies less.

    So go find an independent coffee house in your area and enjoy a cup of joe!

  9. yep....very expensive especially if you go to london starbucks and have to think of the prices in dollars by multiplying it by two in your head....yikes!

  10. They're expensive, but so worth it.  

  11. It's expensive and no one ever buys me starbucks. =( I get a kids hot chocolate when I go.

  12. is a little expensive for a cup of coffee.

  13. probably the reason why a lot of them are closing

  14. i think it's too expensive and not worth it.  you can buy the same stuff and a coffee machine from freakin walmart and save after a year like one hundred bucks if you drink coffee everyday. you can buy whip cream and make crushed ice or get choclate syrup or w/e.

  15. It's to high I make better coffee at home anyway.

  16. yes but, most ice coffees go for about 3 bucks.


  17. Starbucks is the Mcdonalds of the coffee-shop industry. The coffee is hardly worth it, it's very watered down, cheap quality, and a little too frou-frou for my taste. Gloria Jeans is much better (but expensive as well).

    That being said, they are very overpriced for what you get. I do like the taste of their House Blend, but I just buy the bag and make it myself (much stronger, of course).  

  18. Starbucks is REALLY expensive. I don't understand why, most cafes are pretty reasonable. IT's also overrated from all those teenagers obsessing over it.

    I can't lie though, starbucks is pretty good. Just a bit too expensive.

  19. expensive. but tasty

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