
Don't you think Stephen Colbert was right about Gov. Palin?

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He mentioned that the Republicans like to trot out Palin's "executive experience" as being much, much more (because she had at least 2 years as governor) than Obama's experience, who, as a senator, only had legislative experience, and never an executive one.

If that's true, then Palin also has had more "executive experience" than McCain! (being a senator for 3 decades, and never having an executive post) It has to work both ways, since McCain is also a senator - in fact, Colbert said that Palin had more executive experience than Obama, Biden and McCain combined!

In which case, shouldn't Palin be the presidential candidate, as only she can clearly have the "executive experience" to even claim between her and McCain?!? From what the Republicans like to boast about Palin being "ready", the ticket should be Palin-McCain. (for President and Vice President, respectively).

He even went on and said since Republicans seem to be such a big fan of "executive experience", then Romney is the better choice as a candidate, since he's had executive experience as well, as a CEO of a private company! And since Palin's executive experience was in government, then the rightful ticket should be Palin-Romney!

Republicans, unite behind the Palin-Romney ticket, the only team you need with actual "executive experience"!




  1. I actually would be quite happy to vote for Romney AND Palin.  That would be my dream ticket.  But alas, I will settle for McCain/Palin.

    colbert is funny, and it's also crazy how comedians and other entertainers seem to make people decide who to vote for.

  2. That would be great--I love Mitt.

    however for the sake of Cobert's arguemnet--WHO DOES THAT PUT ON THE DEMOCRATIC SIDE.

    Governor Richardson--the only democrat with executive experience.

    Where was Richardson--did he even bother to show up at the DNC convention.----Probably too many loonies for him to have to wait in line with to get on stage.

  3. This time, McCain and Palin.

    Next Time, Palin and Rice.


  4. I think Stephen Colbert is right on target on this issue. LOL  

  5. Wait, you watched the Colbert Report? And you took it seriously? Do you think professional wrestling is real too? No wonder you're convoluted. I bet all liberals are getting their news from the COMEDY CHANNEL!

  6. h**l yes!!! Colbert and Stewart, finally 2 people who give you the facts without the b.s.

  7. To the person who dismissed Colbert etc. as irrelevant because it's comedy, I call that nonsense. Political satire can often strip away all of the lies and artifice around politics and especially campaigns. These practitioners are the most incisive commentators in politics today. Don't discount them as fluff. It's the serious ones who are unintentionally funny that you should be worried about.

  8. Yes, he usually is right

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