
Don't you think drinks at pubs in India are toooooo costly?

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A glass of Port red wine cost me Rs.190 in Hyderabad. Don't ya think this is outrageous price?




  1. Pubs are bad, stay away, keep your liver safe and Be healthy!!!

  2. Dude, pubs r quite new in india.... they r here due to western culture. Ppl in US/EU go to have a drink at pubs in the evenings. SO its sorta daily thing. So its gonna be cheap out thr. Here its not like tat . Ppl go to pubs mostly on weekends. So, i guess tat answers ur Q.

  3. a decent red wine costs 6 dollars in America, you can't be sitting in pub and counting pennies !!

  4. Sorry i don't drink so i don't know

    & think u should also not drink other wise soon u will be gone from this earth.

    Take care

  5. why can't we learn to live only by meeting the requirement of food, shelter and clothing. wine or pub drinks are not meant for meeting the hunger!

  6. u r right  drinks are really costrly in pubs and five star hotel for poor ordinary people like u. but for people who have money to burn it is the status of the place that counts and not the charges. it is useless to compare the way u r doing it, u small child

  7. If you earn in six figure. Than nothing is costly. But why you want to drink wine in pub only. In 190. you will get best Badam Milk Shake. Which will give you energy as well as good s*x.

  8. Rs 190 is how much USD?


  9. hey if you r talkin abt drinks then i guess you r rite

    bcouse here at my place in kuwait u get a pepsi bottle 4 some 6 rs while in india  u get it for 10

  10. Yes they are. But u have a better option. Quit them and drink only pure water. Cheapiest.

  11. Ya, they are costly but human desire has no value...

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