
Don't you think it is a new low for the new york times to display a drawing of obama and his wife?

by  |  earlier

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i think it is awful and this does not do anything but pour out morer poisen and racisium and falt out lies




  1. Nothing more than the 1st Amendment in action.

    However since it was not withing the politically correct corridor that the main stream Liberal press has dictated, it's a horror.

    God, I love it when a plan comes together.

  2. I actually believe it was a marketing strategy...Yes, its disgusting they would drop that low to do that to the Obama family, but I see it like since they were that rude to them one day, I think people have 2 choices: Never read another New Yorker, OR read them interested in what else they make fun of.  

    In any case, making fun of someone due to diversity and race is un called for, and that editor should have been fired and that should have never been printed...have no clue why they would send it to the printers

  3. I think you are wrong.

  4. I think THe US press wants to get money out of it as always as a Pole (Person living in Poland) im always critical about US media !!

  5. It's called politics . it's just as low for people to keep saying McCain is too old for the presidency , or that he's just another Bush because they're in the same party .

    Politicians and those who back them do all that they can to make the other side look bad , and theirs good .

    It's done by all politicians , some more than others .There is pleanty backing the Times and their picture suggesting that Obama is a closit Muslim .

    " I will stand with the Muslims , should the political winds shift in an ugly direction " . from The Audicity of Hope by Barack H. Obama  . There it is , in his own words , in case of trouble with the Muslims , he will be on the Muslim side .

  6. I don't think they were low for doing it.  Obama has been a muslim and I don't trust him or his motives.  Just remember that they said they would get to the US from within.  Black or not, I will not vote for him. Everyone tries to explain away the stuff he won't do or wants to do.....he is evil

  7. No! I agree many will find it offensive BUT it is successful in highlighting ignorance, prejudice and propaganda of the right.

    Look at the answer above me. NYer has successfully used humor and satire to bring this out in the open.

  8. this is their opinion, you noticed how they had in the fireplace burning blue red and white like the american flag?

  9. it was the New Yorker and I think they were trying to be sarcastic...but they weren't too successful.

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