
Don't you think it is about time?

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LAUREL, Miss. — The largest single-workplace immigration raid in U.S. history has caused panic among Hispanic families in this small southern Mississippi town, where federal agents rounded up nearly 600 plant workers suspected of being in the country illegally.




  1. It's about time America sees who US companies really rely on?.......OH YES!

    and let's see how many immigrants replace them just like the meat packing plant in PA. With un-employment on the rise, where were the US Citizens to take these workers place?.......uh! collecting un-employment? just like they are right now.

  2. Way overdue!

  3. Long overdue.  And lovely to see.

  4. L-o-o-o-n-g overdue!

  5. I think it's overdue

  6. If you break our laws you are a criminal. We have enough home grown criminals. Send them home. Chip them so they can not come back.

  7. Long overdue!

  8. Hoo'rah----yes---it's about time---hey let's do it again---and again.

  9. There are WAY more illegal people in Arizona, as you can imagine, but no one seems to mind.  It's not like these people are committing crimes and NO, they are NOT collecting our taxes.

    Many people who employ illegal immigrants do so knowingly, because they know that it is cheap labor.  They can have these people work under the minimum wage, and they can't say anything or else run the risk of being exposed.  I think it is a sick and cruel thing to let ANYONE, illegal or not, to have suffer so badly in poverty.  As a nation united together, we should help those in need instead of kicking them aside and leaving them to go to a place even poorer than the one they have been living in.  

  10. Haha, pack em up and ship em out.

    And some say they are not criminals, but they have committed a crime by coming here illegally. that makes them criminals.  

  11. Time for what ?

  12. u know this kind of places are always hiring people , they do pay pretty well but unfortunately there is never enough people who would show up . if any American wants to go work there all they have to do is go apply for the job , they sure will get hired because they always need workers . my answer to ur question : it is absurd in my opinion to be happy about it , i mean who do u think its going to pay for the cost when the raided plant decides they are not doing enough or decides to go somewhere else !?? plus every time u remove a Working person u also remove a costumer for a bunch of business around , so again who pays for this at the end ?? plus those who won't accept than the undocumented pay more than they take will not accept it simply because they aren't smart enough to understand , they are basically what keeps pulling back America as a whole ! they drain us and produce little .  

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