
Don't you think it is irresponsible for a school district to do this?

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Breaking News! Dallas Independent School District....the rules require teachers to accept late work and prevent them from penalizing students for missed deadlines. Homework grades that would drag down a student's overall average will be thrown out.

School officials said the new guidelines are needed to ensure that all district teachers operate under the same rules and to create a "fair system" for grading students.

Dallas public school students who flunk tests, blow off homework and miss assignment deadlines can make up the work without penalty, under new rules that have angered many teachers.

The new rules will be distributed when teachers return to their campuses next week. But many who have already seen the regulations say they are too lenient on slackers, and will come at the expense of kids who work hard.

See the newspaper article link released yesterday (Friday) below




  1. not setting rules for the kids is not good . so basically the kids that do there homework on time .. who cares huh . turn it in when you want . what a joke. i would have as many people  as i can call superintendent and raise cain . then go to the governor . and i wouldn't stop neither . that is totally ridiculous.Call the newspapers / make a big stink . children need rules to follow . they arent teaching them any responsibility

  2. the way they are doing it is, as long as they dont open up for an exam system, and have the grade purely based off the exam, graded by 2 graders who dont know the students identity

    the whole point in lower school with homework and tests is to give a grade, with this they may as well toss it out, insert a minor project type stuff that you have to pass to be allowed to take exam

    or something, but all in all without following up with a system to replace the curent one its ineffective and ridiculous

    where is the parents in all of this? surely they have a say in their kids education?

  3. that is can that be fair? will just end up not doing their homework and end up with an A somehow...that makes me so mad..

  4. I've read the whole article.  And I think you've taken this quote out of context.  Here is another quote from that same article:

    "District records state that the changes are part of a switch to "effort-based" grading and are designed to give students multiple opportunities to demonstrate that they've mastered class material. Requiring teachers to contact parents instead of awarding zeros is designed to increase home-school communications, according to district materials presented recently to principals. Retests and deadline extensions are meant to motivate students to do better after initial failure."

    I think these changes are reasonable and good.  Because instead of just giving the student a bad mark and forgetting about it.  The teacher is supposed to contact the kid's parents and put some pressure on the kid to finish his work.

    Some kids don't care about getting bad marks at school.  And that's why they never learn much.  And for these kids you need something more than just bad marks to encourage them to put in the work.

    Perhaps some teachers want to slack off and not worry about pressuring the kids to learn.  But this kind of teacher attitude is bad for the kids.  Because some kids are left behind, when their teachers don't care.

  5. yeah. it think thats wrong too.

    i mean, if you didn't have deadlines, everyone would be making a's!

    answer mine please;...

  6. We want our children to do better in the new global market yet we totally fail to prepare them for reality.  This is absolutely disgusting yet I've heard of it happening in other places as well.

    Failing to penalize students for late work will only breed laziness.  If a student doesn't hand something in, their work piles up.  Then it's more difficult to feel like they can get ahead.  

    Plus, once they hit the real world, whether that be university or work, they can't hand in assignments late.  God forbid our universities take this stupid turn!

    I feel sorry for the kids of today.  

  7. yea totally irresponsible the students should be getting ready for college n they dont accept late **** there so this is just making ok 4 american students 2 slack off!! thts really stupid of them!!

  8. What a bunch of c**p.

    They're just trying to cut down on school shootings, I guess.

  9. welcome to the reality of no child left behind.  A system that runs money through schools regardless of the quality of the education that they are getting.  Sad that it has come down to keeping funding dollars instead of really educating a child.

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