
Don't you think it is sexist to call this Gender & Women's Studies?

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When the right title should be Gender & Men's Studies.




  1. No, it's not sexist.  We have had **** thrown at us since the beginning of time.

  2. It was just woens studies in the old days and now it is gender and women studies which means in literal sense a platform for discussion on gender issues bot male and female.

    I cant see how it is exist now after inclusion of thew word gender !!!

  3. It is no different than having a section for Elderly people.  Do you go there and whine because you aren't old and that the section is discriminating against you?  I can tell that you are really a woman-hater.  So am I.  I heard there were a lot of g*y woman-haters in this section.  E-mail me, and I will get you into some chat rooms and send you some free hot man on man p**n!!!

  4. First I think you'd have to find more than a couple of men's studies programs to warrant a change-so someone knew what the heck it was. I only know of a couple of men's studies "programs" and they were not minor's or major's at accredited colleges or universities-they were a couple of classes or workshops. Whereas women's studies or gender studies or women and gender studies are majors and minors at hundreds of universities and colleges. There doesn't seem to be an interest among men and women in men's studies like there is in gender and/or women's studies. Facts are brutal sometimes.

    If Yahoo changed the name of the forum I wouldn't care-but I'd wonder what Yahoo was thinking since the few who ask questions about men's studies in this forum usually get answers like "what are you talking about-there isn't anything called men's studies" or they get lots of comments about how they must be g*y or not too bright or mentally's not pretty. The only ones who answer nicely are usually feminists who try to explain to the masses what men's studies is..there isn't exactly a huge following in YA.

    btw: This is a regular question in this section-it was just asked yesterday and the day's very predictable.

  5. I wish they'd change the name to bloating and cramps so it wouldn't be such a magnet for anti-feminists and misogynists feeling the need to share their half @ssed opinions.

  6. Bravo on a wonderful idea!  Now you have the opportunity to make your mark on an uncaring world by lobbying Yahoo to change the name.  I'm sure you'll be a brilliant and effective leader.  Good luck!

    (But you have to take your hand out of your pants first.)

  7. Neither title, this category should be called Garbage & Waste Site.

  8. It should just be "Gender Studies"

  9. No one is particularly interested in penises and male chauvinists.

  10. I think it should be called "Gender Studies".

  11. I think the title should just be Gender Studies; it includes both men and women, as equals.

  12. I agree with whoever said it should just be called Gender Studies (sorry, can't remember the name right this second).  You know if it was called Gender and Men's Studies most feminists would be throwing a hissy fit about it.  Besides, listing women specifically gives the impression they're either better or worse than men, depending on how you look at it.

  13. LOL.  Are you kidding?  Women's Studies is a term coined by homosexual and/or angry women.  There isn't a need to have 'Men's Studies'.  Only someone really insecure needs to try and prove the worth of his/her s*x all the time.

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