
Don't you think it strange that Mario is asking Lisa on SUNDAY to marry him?

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Isnt this a sure way to keep her in the house and not be evicted?




  1. Haha yeah what a scam! Everyone is going to want to see this, so they will furshureee make sure that Lisa is in there for Sunday, right?! Haha I cannot wait to see this though, it's worked for me, I will be making sure lisa stays in tonight!! (=


  2. That's ridiculous, what a sham. I don't think they should give that @rse one more second of airtime !!

  3. It'd be strange if he was asking Mikey to marry him but come to think of it, probably not that strange and anyway although Mario had intended to but was scuppered by the marriage task, BB asked Mario if he wanted to go back in to do it in a feeble attempt to increase viewing figures!  

  4. Its not that strange .... its simply in a bid to extend their 15 mins of fame to 20 mins !!!!

  5. Nicole is bound to go - but, if it's true about Mario, then it is odd

  6. I think most bets are on Nasty Nic to go anyway.........I was just wondering if the ring will be big enough??????

  7. Nothing strange about it ,They are favoured by Big Brother .Big Time ,Big Brother influence a lot ,

  8. BB has already fixed it for her NOT to be evicted anyway.

    It wouldn't matter how many people voted for her to go tonight...They would be wasting their money.

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