
Don't you think it was better when you could THUMB DOWN someone's QUESTION? ?

by  |  earlier

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Some of these ones in elections are downright NASTY.




  1. That would be nice. :]

  2. yeah, i hope so but i just ignore annoying questions

  3. You know what I really want on here.. I want to be able to comment on peoples answers like right below them like on youtube kinda. but I guess that would be too much for Yahoo to handle.

  4. i know it was so much better!

    but now people just leave nasty comments to let them know it stinks, and they get 2 points that way too...

    answer mine please!

  5. that used to be possible? wow cool.

    yeh i suppose it's only fair they should have thumbs up/downs for a questions as they do for an answer

  6. Yep

    Can I have some thumbs up here? ;)

  7. Yeah I miss those days :(

  8. I didn't know you could ever do that. Then again I only joined a few months ago. But yeh, it sounds like a good idea.

  9. I wish we could do that some of these questions are so stupid  

  10. I believe you can once you get to Level 2. I know that I can do that, and have been able to for some time now.

  11. yeah I wish we could do that...or a middle finger option would be

  12. I decided to investigate and go to that section...let's just say I am missing a couple of limbs. I got torn apart in there. it's almost as bad as the R and S questions.  

  13. Yepp, last tyme it used to be possible, about afew years back. We can thumbs up/down questions. But not now anymore .

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