
Don't you think it would be better to cut off the hand of a thief instead of incarcerating him?

by Guest66905  |  earlier

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What do thieves really learn from their bad behavior besides that (maybe) they'll get a few years in prison with some probation time for stealing? What would be the benefits of allowing others to publicly witness the punishment for his crime? Especially credit card thieves who exhibit no form of remorse whatsoever for the lives that they ruin by stealing other peoples reputation, assets and leaving them to swim in a pool of everlasting debt, depression and misery.

People always want to talk down about the way my Lord Governs His Laws and commandments, but I beg to differ because who knows better than one who can create any form out of nothing?

So I ask you: What will citizens learn by witnessing the public punishment of a thief? :)




  1. Ah this is america

    I don't agree that it would work as a deterant.  Sure it might make some people that don't have a true criminal not steal but those who do have a criminal mind think that they are smarter than anyone else and that they will not get caught. That's why the death penalty doesn't work for people that are truely messed up

  2. Public punishment is one thing, but permanent disfigurement is another.  

    Cutting off hands is practiced in the same countries that don''t send any female athletes to the Olympics.  

    I could go for publishing criminal court results in newspapers, and putting tattoos on child molesters and people that repeat offend DUI.  

  3. No.

  4. we don't do it anymore because we are a civilized nation and that is barbaric.  it would work though.  

  5. erm if he's innocent he'd be pretty f**ked, but yes i agree they should make stronger punishments

  6. just kill him

  7. that's what they do in saudi arabia mate. its called sharia law, if you want those sort of rules go and live out there.

    we live in a humane society where people are punished in reasonable ways for their crimes, you should thank God that your living here and not there.  count your blessings rather than moaning

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