
Don't you think its cute when little kids pee outside?

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any funny storys, the best one wins best answer




  1. Yeah.  I still laugh when I think about this family I lived with as a teenager.  The two young boys were chasing around the littlest boy.  Threatening him with whatever and laughing as they chased him.  The littlest one was just laughing and screaming the whole time.  After a short chase the two little bit older boys had the youngest down and were laughing cause they got him.  He was laughing also and pulled down his pants and started peeing on them while laying on the ground for which the other two had no choice but retreat screaming.  At which point I just busted up and thought, 'Man, these kids are life.  Why am I so worried about stuff?!'

  2. I think it is cute sometimes but then they get used to it and think it is ok everywhere. For example my 5 year old pees outside occasionally because hes a five yr old boy but we took him to the circus one year and he said he had to go potty. Well as soon as we got out of the tent he says ok and starts to pull his pants down right in the middle of all of the activities. Kinda funny.

  3. ok true husband grew up in the country so he was always alowed to pee on a bush at home.....well he went to a neihbors picnic one day and no one knew where he was....he was trying to p**p in there bushes!

  4. I think it is hilarious with little boys.  My son was out golfing with his pappy and they didn't have a bathroom so he had to pee outside for the first time.  Well I guess he went to go pee and when he was holding his p***s he pulled back with it and ended up peeing into the air and hit himself in the hair with urine.  Gross but funny lol.

  5. Yes! I knew a boy when i was about 8 or 9 and he was being potty trained then. He went with me and his sis every where when we were outside. So they would tell us every now and then see if he has to go to the bathroom and he wouldn't go inside. (he wanted to stay with us) so the only way we could get him to go to the bathroom was to tell him to pee on a bug! So he would search all around until he found a bug and then he would pee on it!! So cute!!

  6. I remember when I was little I pee'd outside in the bushes at my daycare..The daycare called my mom and dad and told them..I was trying to be like my big brother!


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