
Don't you think men think it is innocent when a married man innocently flirts with a woman?

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A married male coworker of mine innocently flirts with me & has for months (innocent emails every day). Most women, it seems (women friends I don't work with) think it is wrong but most men (male friends I don't work with) think it is all innocent & here is nothing wrong with it. These men & women aren't talking from experience. I think most of the time women overanalyze & are more paranoid, so that is why they fear a married man is innocently flirting when he isn't. Men always think it's harmless. Do you think the men are right on this or the women are?




  1. flirting is a betrayal!  It's called 'innocent' to give the offensive flirter a clearer conscience - that's called DENIAL and is a common feature of any offender's behavior.......they simply DENY that their actions are destructive or harmful!

    I would never betray my wife with innocent's just too insulting to her and our marriage VOWS!

  2. Acting like you available and you 'r are not is not innocent.

    It is shows you don't put any value in the relationship you are in.

    It shows you, in reality, are open to someone else. It does not demonstrate comittment or devotion to the one you choose to be with.

    "over analyze" Responsible people think about what they are doing, and what is happening around them.

    Innocent email?  Why is there a need to communicate with a woman besides his wife? Is he sending his wife 50 times more emails than you? Is he trying to let you know that you are the special one..., that's not innocent..., and you know it.

  3. I don't think a married man should flirt "innocently" or not with any other woman than his wife.

  4. I work in EMS, so my answer may not pertain to your situation, because our world is a little different than normal people's.  The motto at my job is "Sexual harassment will not be tolerated, but it will be graded"  My husband's best friend flirts with me all the time, along with every other guy I work with.  Usually it is harmless, unless it gets to the creepy point of him rubbing your back out of nowhere and c**p like that.  Don't over analyze and don't over react.  You may open a can of worms that really had no good reason to be opened.

  5. That is how affairs start innocently enough If he innocently took all that energy and put it into his  marriage think how strong it would be I have found out that with my husband Men need and want physical and emotional support While helping out my daughter for 4 months my husband had an affair I was gone the house was empty We talked every day But onlong came a coworker  she knew I was gone  first emails the n lunch then heh let go out for a drink The hook was planted she reeled him in  had him for awhile I found out  I had invested alot of time in this marriage She had to go and did Trust me there is nothing innocent about it

  6. Innocent flirting? Seems like a bit of an oxymoron if he's married!


  7. When I was in the eighth grade I took my dad to my parent teacher meeting. He met my language teacher and they pretty much flirted the whole time. I watched them the whole time too. Wanna know what I realized? My dad didn't really know he was flirting with her. He was just being a nice guy like he always is; funny and approachable. I could see the way my teacher stared and smiled at my dad... creepy. I think they were around the same age at that time, he was 31 and she was like 28. I learned something that day. Men flirt and half the time they don't even know it. I do it too. My wife has a bunch of single girl friends and when I talk to them, I am supposedly "flirting". After wards my wife will come up to me and say, "Guess who just told me you were flirting with them?" And I would be totally clueless.. My wife doesn't mind, MOST of the time.

    I guess it's just our nature. We don't think it's "harmless" we just don't know we're flirting half the time.

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