
Don't you think roger federer's downfall started with this match?

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After his match with tipsarovic at the australian open roger federer hasn't looked that confident what he used to be except for the match against Mario ancic at this y'rs wimbledon in which he looked as the federer of old some of you might argue that federer is not at a downfall as he is reached finals of the last two grand slams but the guy who was winning everything in the last 4 y'rs but hasn't won a major title this y'r then for sure it's a downfall!!




  1. federer is getting too old now. nadal has a clear chance of becoming world number 1. I think that federers girlfriend is now unlucky for him. =). i seriously think he should dump her. Federer now has a very negative body language. he gets frustrated and against karlovic he showed that. before he used to be calm and cud get out of tough situations but now thats impossible for him. Karlovic won only one tiebreak last year and against federer he won 2 tiebreaks very comfortably. even against kohlschreiber he won the tibreaks comfortably. nadal has a good shot on the title if he gets past the joker. =)

  2. i think it started after he played pete sampras in 2007 sometime before playing in indian wells or after he lost to guillermo canas in the 2nd round of indian wells. i can't really say this was the start of roger federer's downfall but this was most probably the time federer changed. federer was very confident at that time only to be let down. he was on a 41 match winning streak, his 2006 season was probably one of the best season in tennis, in 2006 he got to 16/17 finals and won 12 titles. he thought he was unbeatable only to be brought back down to earth by canas. even in his 2007 interview before the canas match he sounded confident, as he should be.

    after that loss to canas, he was eager to win the next tournament. then comes canas in the 4th round and federer loses again. again, he wants to bounce back and win a title. this time he loses to nadal in monte carlo. understandable. but in the 3rd round of rome, he loses to volandri. from a great start of the year (winning aussie open without dropping a set), he goes 4 tournaments without a title. he wins the next tourney in hamburg by defeating nadal. this probably gave federer a boost of confidence but the damage was already done. these losses to these players, eventhough federer denies it, has really affected him mentally. it was in 2007 that i start noticing federer show his emotions. maybe it was something pete said to federer at the start of the year. maybe he praised federer too much and federer, at the time, really thinks he's all that. and more. and once he couldn't deliver, frustration, anxiety, etc piled up on him.  

  3. I remember that match. That was awesome serving from Federer. Just so much mental strenght to look so calm and serve that way. But I really thought it was at the U.S. Open w/ Djokovic even if Federer won it.  The fact that Djokovic is younger and got so close.  Federer also lost to Gonzalez in Shanghai but regained it back and it seems that Fedeerr is confident against players his generation. Since nadal and djokovic are so much younger the age thing may be getting to him.  I don't see a downfall physically but more mental.  Just doubting himself. LOL it's not a downfall, i crack up when people say that.  He reached the semis at AO too.  Don't know how he did it defending points every year, basically he has to win same tournaments over and over and over and over again. Such high expectations on him. Better than none though.

  4. yes!

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