
Don't you think scheming is one of the things that makes life worth living the most?

by  |  earlier

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For weeks I just stopped scheming to make things I want the most to happen in my life because I gave up because they were taking so long to achieve and stumbled upon some major set backs but now I feel that my life is so unfulfilling and was much better when I was scheming to eventually achieve what I want most. So I'm going to scheme again soon and much more than ever before. Besides to me it's much funner and really what makes life worth living. Don't you agree?




  1. i think scheming makes life more the worse for living.

  2. destiny is in our thoughts.

  3. just have hope and faith and you'll be ok:)

  4. scheming as a form of hope

    it works

    it's like when you stop wondering, everything stops

    ok, i have to agree

  5. It's a guilty pleasure. And too many pleasures gives you a toothache.  

  6. long as you are not causing harm and plus when you scheme, you have to keep up with that scheme then have another scheme to back up the other scheme; it can get tiring. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do depending what it is.

  7. To each their own.

    One man's pleasure is another man's poison.

  8. I must be the worst schemer on the planet Earth. I much prefer undeveloped plans to schemes. i can pretend they are not complete garbage.

  9. No.

    Scheming (adj.): given to forming schemes; especially : devious

  10. ...agree...that's what makes an individual's life different from the other person...excitment and accomplishment fulfilled...enjoy...

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