
Don't you think that Elisabeth Windsor is selfish not moving aside for Charlie?

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Having said that she knows shes on to a good thing freebees all the way.




  1. How about you quit your job and let some unemployed person have it instead. After all you get a good wage and it is about time you gave up your position. After all who says you are needed at your workplace ?

  2. No.  She is the Queen and when she dies, then it will be his turn.

  3. you deserve a raspberry for the freebies line....

    all i can say is when I am her age I hope I don't have to deal with as many high ranking international officials as she does... I'd rather just be a little old lady sitting quietly at home.

    The queen is doing a fine job... leave her be.

  4. Maybe she's doing him a huge favor.  There may be things about the monarchy that are difficult to bear.

    Anyway, it's traditional, as long as she has her physical and mental health (which she has), to keep her throne.

  5. Although Queen Juliana of the Netherlands stepped aside   in 1980 in favor of her daughter, Beatrix, Elizabeth II is still in good physical and mental health and fully capable of carrying out royal duties.  Everyone whatever his or her position should be able to work as long as possible.  There's simply no substitute for on-the-job experience and the wisdom that comes with age.

    P. S.  Born in 1926, Elizabeth II is 82--not nearly 90!

  6. In Britain, Monarchy is for life. You can't just step aside or retire.

    Her Majesty takes her words most seriously and she did say "I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and to the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong."

    Then, of course, is this quote: "I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else-I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations."

    I think both show that Her Majesty is there for a lifetime. And so will be Prince Charles, when his time comes and he is crowned King.

  7. not at all when she came to the throne she made it perfectly clear at her corination that she would reign until she died however long it may be whether it be a long or a short reign she would continue queen victoria never stood aside for edward VII so the current queen shalll not either

  8. The coronation oath that the Queen took is "for all the days of my life." You are so full of hatred that you aren't able to read HISTORICAL fact. You are the selfish one,clogging this site with you biased questions.

    No,it's not a fair question because of the history of the person who is asking it! You seem to take pleasure in insulting everyone and anyone to do with monarchy.

  9. Do you really believe that power or money would give even a little up?

  10. No ... she knows the score ... none of her children are actually upto the job ... and even though she`s nearly 90 she `ll carry on regardless due to the  fab free house, lifestyle , perks and freebies ... hopefully William will be our next King least he has his mother`s good looks ...

  11. No, she is not.  Being a monarch is a job for life, and she works very hard at it.  There is no reason why she should not continue to be Queen until she dies.

  12. No. She knows very well that hereditary monarchy only works if it's truly hereditary - i.e. the person first in line has the job, with no argument about "X is nicer", "Y is younger and more energetic", "Z is prettier and more popular with the media". If we start to pick and choose among a pool of royal candidates, why stick at choosing from royalty? Why not vote from candidates drawn from the whole population, and call the winner "President"? (Answer - because that path leads to George Dubya, that's why.)

  13. No, she still performs her duties very well. I think Charles is destined never to take the throne, he's considered "not quite the thing"...... William will be the next King.

  14. Don't be soft if she packed it in she'd have to get by on basic State Pension.

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