
Don't you think that Ferguson tries to interfere a little too much with the game when Manchester Utd plays?

by  |  earlier

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  1. As manager/coach it is his job to get the best oot of his players. If this means playing games with the media or getting under the skin of the opposing manager so be it. If it helps his team, he is doing his job.

  2. thats his job touz thats what a managers jobs all about .. may i suggest you go and do the washing up ...

  3. lol

    and double lol

    it seems he has aged so much that his vision has worsened and instead he uses his laptop to view at his players

    star for you

  4. ye i do and it annoys me how little he gets done for it; if it was any other manager they would be sent to the stands and fined; but all the referees fear fergie and its just not right; he needs to be put into place.

    P.S Great Pic lol

  5. haha!

  6. Good one, darling.

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