
Don't you think that Shawn Johnson didn't deserve a medal at all?

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I think it's terrible that when Nastia was doing her tumble that she visibly messed up 3 TIMES (when she landed) and the judges did not say a word about it! American judges are terrible! I think Anna Povlova deserves at least the silver medal and not Shawn Johnson because she did her tumble much much better.

Now, I am an American myself, but I feel like when you are wrong.....YOU ARE WRONG.




  1. you are so fu*&ing stupid. if you paid any attention you would know that there was no american judges. you are jealous of shawn johnson. you need to cut it out. dumb a$$

  2. "when you are wrong.....YOU ARE WRONG."

    and you are wrong.

  3. i think she deserved a medal k they were all really good and its really hard to hold ur head high after messing up so many times and she still did pretty good.

  4. WTF are you taking about.

    I swear we are not watching the same olympics.

  5. "American judges are terrible!"

    judges from the same country don't judge their own atheletes.....

    "Now, I am an American myself, but I feel like when you are wrong.....YOU ARE WRONG."

    If your not acting as a very smart american I don't see why you would say they ar wrong.....

  6. Shawn Johnson does deserve the medal she got. And Nastia has a gold medal. If Shawn dident deserve the medal she wouldn't have gotten it.

  7. Yes, I totally agree! She's good but not really good. Nastia Liukin should've gotten the gold. She was much much better! And why does everybody think Shawn Johnson is all that?!?!?!?  


    Nastia messed up 3 times and Shawn doesn't deserve a medal...HAHAHAHA

    Americans get a bad image because morons like you don't know what you're talking about.

    And there can't be a judge from America

  9. What American judges are you talking about? All of the judges are from different countries, not including China. There is only ONE judge from the US.

  10. Are you Gymnastics illiterate? Shawn Johnson deserved 4 gold medals and was robbed of 3 of them.. If she wasn't robbed, she'd have more golds than the country of Jamaica!

  11. Happy,

    The judges for the gymnastics competition cannot be from any of the countries that have competitors in the event they're judging. The floor exercise that you're talking about had two Americans (Nastia Luikin and Shawn Johnson) so no American judges were allowed to judge this event.

    I agree with your dis-satisfaction with the judging but I think it was a travesty what happened in the uneven bars and the vault. At first I believed it had to do with Chinese bias in the judging. But since the Chinese were not judging the event this could not be true.

    It doesn't matter what games or where the venue is there will always be controversial scores especially from those of us that do not understand the scoring systems or the sport.

    Thanks for your opinion on this. However, I respectfully disagree with your assessment. I admit, though, that I'm a biased American.


  12. they deserve it!! so stop hatin

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