
Don't you think that people are being over-compasionate?

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with just about everything,but it's only verbalised.Much like the anti-rasism.Lots of talk really,exagerate talking.




  1. I think it's more of feeding and over-feeding the drama....most people are in victim mode...they do not like to take responsibility for their own actions..and there are many people who will stand right next to them and say that it isn't their fault.  Biggest problem with the world today!  I live by and teach the wisdom of the three r's:

    Respect for self

    Respect for others

    Responsibility for one's own actions.

  2. i don't follow...?

  3. Hi Annie; love your portrait incidentally.

    I don't think genuine compassion is exagerated.  The world could use many more compassionate people who take the time to actively help, financially or otherwise, the victims of violent crime.  Being robbed or beaten publicly does not say much for the public who just stand there and do nothing.  I would like to see more people involved.

    What I DO dislike are wealthy people who pretend to know the needs of poverty sticken others,  but don't directly help them.  I see that all that time:  "Oh yes.  I'm a member of ......... and quarterly we go out and collect tea cups for the various group homes."  Gimme a break.  They don't need tea cups.  The need to have their basic needs taken care of like new clothes, housing, food, and security.  THEN they can go out, apply for jobs, and be able to send their children on to more education than they had.

    My grandparents all came "off the boat" in the early 20th Century from situations of famine and oppression in Europe.  They barely had an 8th grade education.  Their work was on their parents' farms in Hungary, Holland, and Germany.

    They made a special point to make sure their kids (my parents) went on to finish high school.  In the late 30's and early 40's high school was a big deal!  My Dad and mother both lived on lard sandwiches during the depression.  They know what poverty is.

    This is why they were so determined to make sure my brother and I went on to college and earned our BS or BA degrees.

    The latest generation are my boys.  My husband and I being aware of how bachelor's and master's degrees work, were able to guide (NOT push!) our oldest son to pursue a PhD in analytical chemistry, which he seems to like.  My youngest is in IT and works for a huge lawfirm as one of their IT Specialists.

    Both of them were encouraged to decide for themselves what their passions in life are.

    No one gave any one of us a "break."  We all had to work hard on our own achievements.  My young men feel a great deal of compassion for others.  I am proud to call them my sons and should they ever marry and have their own children, they will teach compassion to them.

    A little sugar goes a long way compared to vinigar.

  4. Disagree, you can never be as you put it over compassionate. Compassion is a feeling for others.Perhaps you mean maudlin? If so, you may have a point

  5. You get too deep for me sometimes. lol

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